

2021-07-30    06'42''

主播: miss杨🌊😊

485 2

七月 作者:碑林路人  翻译:单慕萱 我把所有可以幻想的日子 都安放在七月 我把完好如初的思念 也留置在七月  七月是夹在书本里的 一只蝴蝶 轻轻地翻开书 就有飞翔的痕迹 就有如雨的花瓣 带着墨香 飘至眼前 七月是母亲送给我的 最珍贵的季节 是我与这个世界 初次相遇的时刻 七月的每一朵花开 都是母亲温暖的笑颜 七月的每一缕霞光 都是涂抹在天空上 最美的诗行  我要把心里所有的美好 都送给七月 我要把草木的清香 蝴蝶的翅膀 流动的溪水 花开的芬芳 还有写满爱意的诗行 全部都安放在 属于我的七月 我的七月 是洒满阳光的七月 我的七月 是幸福满满的七月 这是我与母亲 初次对视的七月 这是我与世界 深情拥抱的七月 July Author: 碑林路人  All the days I can imagine I keep them in July All the memories intact I leave them in July  July is a butterfly Caught between pages Gently flipping through I see traces of fluttering Petals like rain falling with the scent of ink Wafting right before me  July is a gift from Mother The most precious season It's me and the world The moment of first encounter Flowers that blooms in July are Mother's smiling eyes Wisps of sunlight in July are the most delicate lines Painted on the sky  I want to give the best of my heart All to the month of July The aroma of grass and trees The wings of butterflies The flowing streams The blooming flowers And lines of loving poems I wish to set them all In my very own July  My July It's a July of sunshine My July It's a July full of joy This is when Mother and I Change our very first sight This is when World and I Cuddle fondly as years went by
上一期: 证明
下一期: 调笑令·雨霁荷花