little Quake's bedtime

little Quake's bedtime

2016-02-16    04'23''

主播: shirley_wang

53 4

Mama Duck had five little ducklings, Widdle, Waddle, Piddle, Puddle and Little Quack. 鸭子妈妈有五只鸭宝宝Widdle、Waddle、Piddle、Puddle和小Quack。 Day was done, and Mama Duck said, "Snuggle close, and shut your eyes. It's sleepy time, little ducklings!" 一天又快结束了,鸭妈妈喊道:”躺在一起,闭上你们的眼睛,睡觉时间到了,小鸭子们!“ So Widdle, Waddle, Piddle, Puddle and Little Quack, snuggled close to Mama. Then her five little ducklings saw blink! blink! blink! Widdle,Waddle, Piddle, Puddle 和小Quack依偎在了妈妈身旁。接着,五只鸭宝宝看到一闪!一闪! "Look, Mama, look!" they cried, "What's that flashing in the dark?" “看,妈妈,快看!”它们喊道:“黑暗里有什么东西在发光?” Mama Duck looked, and then she said, "Those are fireflies, winking 'good night'. That’s what is blinking in the dark. Now it is sleepy time, little ducklings." 鸭妈妈看了看,说:“它们是萤火虫,在向你们道'晚安'这就是在黑暗中发光的东西,现在该睡觉了,小鸭子们。” Widdle shut her eyes and went to sleep. But Waddle, Piddle, Puddle and Little Quack were still awake.  Widdle闭上了眼,睡觉了。但Waddle、Piddle、Puddle 和小Quack依旧醒着。 Those four little ducklings heard whoo! whoo! whoo! "Listen, Mama, listen!" They cried, "What is that hooting in the dark? " Mama Duck listened and then she said, "That’s an owl perched high above. That’s what is hooting in the dark. Now it’s sleepy time, little ducklings." 这四只小鸭子听见呼!呼!呼!“听,妈妈,快听!”它们喊道。“有什么东西在黑暗里大叫?”鸭妈妈听了听,然后说:“这是一只栖息在高处的猫头鹰,是它在黑夜里叫,现在该睡觉了,小鸭子们。” Waddle shut his eyes and went to sleep. But Piddle, Puddle and Little Quack were still awake. Those three little ducklings saw something sway! sway! sway! "Look Mama, look!" They cried, "What’s that moving in the dark?" Waddle闭上了眼然后睡觉了。但Piddle、Puddle和小Quack依然醒着。这三只小鸭子看见有东西在摇摆!摇摆!摇摆!“看!妈妈,快看!”它们喊道:“什么东西在黑夜里动?” Mama Looked and then she said, "That’s the tree that you play beside. That’s what’s moving in the dark. Now it is sleepy time, little ducklings." 鸭妈妈看了看说:“白天你们在这棵树旁边做游戏,是这棵树在黑夜里摇摆,现在该睡觉了,小鸭子们。” Then Piddle shut her eyes and went to sleep. But Puddle and Little Quack were still awake. Swish! swish! swish! 然后Piddle闭上眼睡觉了。但是Puddle和小Quack依然醒着。沙沙!沙沙!沙沙! "Listen, Mama, listen! "They cried, "What’s that rustling in the dark?" Mama Duck listened and then she said, "Those are the reeds saying 'hush' to the night. That’s what is rustling in the dark. Now it's sleepy time, little ducklings." “听,妈妈,快听!”他们喊道:“什么在黑暗里发出沙沙声?”妈妈听了听然后说:“这是芦苇在对着黑夜说‘嘘’。这就是在黑暗中沙沙作响的东西。现在是时候睡觉了,小鸭子们!” Puddle shut his eyes and went to sleep. But Little Quack was still awake. Little Quack looked. Little Quack listened. All around was dark! dark! dark! "Mama he cried, "Why, oh why is the night so dark?" Mama snuggled close and then she said, "So the stars can shine their twinkling light. That’s why the night is…oh…so dark. Now it’s sleepy time, little duckling." Then Little Quack shut his eyes…and went to sleep…Good night, little ducklings, good night! Puddle闭上眼睡觉了。但是小Quack依然醒着。小Quack看了又看,听了又听。周围一切都黑漆漆!黑漆漆!黑漆漆!“妈妈!”他喊道:“为什么,噢~为什么夜这么黑?”鸭妈妈朝他依偎的更近了些,然后说:“因为夜是黑的,星星才能如此闪亮!现在该睡觉了,小鸭子。”之后小Quack闭上了他的眼睛……睡觉了……晚安,小鸭子们,晚安!