A Father’s Pre-Empty Nest Post-Partum1) Mess
A Father’s Pre-Empty Nest
Women aren’t the only ones who feel the loss when the “baby” grows up, goes to college and moves out of the house. Fathers do too. Although it’s a little hard to admit—I am already feeling the empty-nest syndrome, in spite of being sure it would never hit me. This isn’t something my fellow father friends ever discussed or warned me about. I’ve never read about it from a man’s perspective either.
It’s official—the university has been chosen. The time is upon us. Only a few months left. My (our) youngest son is headed out the door for college this coming August, and I’m feeling it big time2). The days are numbered, and I can’t believe it but I’m having separation anxiety! Yes me, over six feet tall big strapping3) dad that I am, I have become an emotional mess of a man.
Applications have long-ago been written, edited, rewritten and sent. Financial aid forms (oh that lovely FAFSA4)) and electronic pleas submitted. We’ve toured and heard university sales pitches5) ad nauseam6). It is the season for parents of high-school seniors to get ready. I wasn’t quite prepared.
I thought I was so cool and experienced by now. We did it before and survived our oldest son’s departure. We missed him a lot, even though he “boomerangs7)” most weekends. Now, our house is about to be totally kid-empty for the first time in 24 years. This time the move-out for college is markedly different.
Yes, I am all about helping our last child get ready and actually go. My wife and I both advised and edited his applications. We attended auditions and interviews. School college fairs. Advisory meetings are behind us now. I understand when he wants to go out and party with friends, instead of a quiet relaxing evening with the folks. I think it’s great that he wants to be more and more independent. Yeah, it’s OK that he’d rather spend a Saturday afternoon with a girl instead of hiking with me. I’m over all that. No problems, it’s just Part of Living a Full Life.
For the past three or four years I’ve been preparing for that moment when our son, now 18, liberates us. No more having to provide dinner, or be in town every night so he can get to school every day. We’ve cooked or ordered 6,570 dinners so far for him, and he’s still hungry! We can now travel, unscheduled! So say all my other empty-nest fathers. I’ve taken it all in stride and pride—thinking that we’ve done an acceptable job so far, after all he’s still alive, making pretty great grades, and gotten into a very fine university indeed, thank God. Stiff upper lip8), non-emotional male me; everything is in control. That’s the kind of guy I am: cool and collected. That moment to come, though, has come. Not one of my fellow fathers warned me of the emotional angle of this traumatic moment. It’s nothing I have ever experienced to this dramatic degree ever before.
Last weekend, that “fatherly cool” all came unraveled9). There I was in a far-off town with our boy, whoops young man—father and son quality time. We’d spent the weekend in early orientation sessions. Hours and hours of information, meeting faculty, schmoosing10) department heads—the presidential handshake and financial aid officer complementing (complimenting?) complete. There we were killing time before the flight home, just me and my man listening to the radio on a distant street watching college students go by, when a certain song came on. “Homeward bound I wish I was ... Homeward bound ... Home, where my thought’s escaping ... Home, where my music’s playing ... Silently for me ...” I began to cry uncontrollably. That Paul Simon11) song was one I hadn’t heard in years, and man oh man did it hit me. He’d be gone soon. Such homesickness ... me, not him so much. I’m not the one leaving home. We won’t have to eat precisely at six anymore and dinners will never be the same. Oh no, will we ever see him again? He’ll be 30 and I’ll be in my 70’s ... 40, 50, 60 and then what?! Grandkids? I’ll sure miss his sweet cherubic12) face ... what a cute baby he was! What fun to sit him on my knee and watch cartoons—Tex Avery13)’s especially.
上周末,那份“父亲的冷静”完全瓦解了。我在一座遥远的城市,跟我们家的小男孩——啊,应该说是小伙子——共度了一段父子间的宝贵时光。此前的周末我们参加了入学早期的新生导览活动。我们花了好多个小时听介绍,和教职人员见面,跟系领导闲聊,最后还跟校长握手和奉承助学金的管理人员。坐飞机回家前,我跟儿子两个人在离家遥远的街上一边听着收音机,一边看着大学生来来往往,借此打发时间。这时,收音机里传来了一首歌:“但愿我是在回家的路上……回家的路上……我的思绪飘回家的方向……我的音乐在家里奏响……无声地为我奏响……”我无法抑制地哭了起来。保罗·西蒙的这首歌我好多年都没有听过了,天哪天哪,他真是唱到我心里去了。儿子就快离开了。这样的思乡之情……是我,他不怎么想家。即将离家的人不是我。我们再也不用六点准时开饭了,晚饭也再不会与从前一样了。哦不,我们还能再见到他吗?他将会长到30岁,那时我就70多岁了……到他40岁,50岁,60岁,之后呢?!就有孙辈了?我肯定会想念他那可爱的胖乎乎的脸蛋儿……他曾经是个多么可爱的小宝宝啊!把他抱在膝上一起看卡通片——特别是特克斯·艾弗里的作品——是多么愉快啊。 I couldn’t wait to leave home and my parents when I was my rebellious 18. I didn’t cry a tear, and they didn’t either. I don’t remember ever hearing those three words as I said goodbye. Now, over 30 years later, I’m so proud of growing up and being a father to my sons. It’s different now, with this generation. There is so much to be happy about, and I love my wife and sons so much I’m about to cry some more, and that’s fine. I’m a fine mess.