Leslie JayCee is the first and only one Chinese DJ who has invited and played twice at the "Love Parade" Berlin and Dortmund. Leslie has also performed in many big names events such as "Ministry Of Sound”, "Cream", "Mutek - new sound and technology festival", "In Bed with Space/Ibiza"… Leslie JayCee became the year best DJ voted by "That's Beijing" readers. This summer, Leslie has invited again to Europe, 10 million people's massive party - Street Parade in Zurich.
Leslie作为唯一一名两次受到超过百万人参与的电音盛事Loveparade演出邀请的中国DJ,近几年不断出现在各大知名的国际舞台, "Ministry of Sound", "Cream", "Mutek", "In Bed With Space/Ibiza"… 在每一个电子音乐版图的殿堂都留下了自己的足迹。2004年Leslie获得"That's Beijing"杂志读者评选的年度最佳DJ。2015年Leslie再次登陆欧洲,受到著名的Street Parade的邀请,Leslie的JCM出现在了苏黎世百万人潮的狂欢派对!