DJ BB Deng & DJ Leslie Jaycee 1.2 Sat 2016 @Tang Lounge

DJ BB Deng & DJ Leslie Jaycee 1.2 Sat 2016 @Tang Lounge

2016-01-05    186'24''

主播: DJ-Kitchen

583 33

DJ BB Deng was grew up in Hong Kong & Taiwan. She was a DJ and a co-organizer of INTRO 2012 & 2013, China’s first independent Electronic Music Festival, was headliner and stage director for IN Music Festival (Mongolia) BB DENG is listed amongst one of the top Electronic Music artists in China. In 2013 BB DENG took an even higher step up and started her own independent event brand DISOBEDIENCE Movement, with which she already shortly after got asked to host one of the stages at INTRO Festival 2013 & the DJ stage at Strawberry music festival. At the same year, she got the 2013 Outstanding DJ awards from English media “TheBeijinger”. On 2014 Strawberry Music Festival, DJ BB Deng not only performing in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Changchun, she was also organizing her own label Disobedience Movement stage on May 31st in Chengdu, China BB Deng早期喜欢播放Funk, Old school, Indie Dance, Electro Rock, Nu Disco,到后来她更喜欢播放纯粹的电子音乐, Techno, Tech House, Minimal, Deep House。在之后的几年,BB Deng受邀参与许多中国万人音乐节,如草莓,摩登, 常阳,张北,湘江,INTRO, North Face, 等等,担任演出DJ以及音乐节舞台合作主办方。在13年创办了自己的独立派对品牌 Disobedience Movement并且在INTRO电子音乐节,呈现了属于自己品牌下的电音舞台。同年,BB Deng收到英文媒体之一The beijinger 读者投票得奖2013杰出DJ。 2014 年后, BB Deng 除了继续举办自己的活动以外,也参与“焱”白派对,焱十周年派对,Release 电音派对,乐堡音乐节重庆/银川,重庆金佛山音乐节,草莓音乐节北京/上海/成都/长春/厦门以及其After party演出 Leslie JayCee is the first and only one Chinese DJ who has invited and played twice at the "Love Parade" Berlin and Dortmund. Leslie has also performed in many big names events such as "Ministry Of Sound”, "Cream", "Mutek - new sound and technology festival", "In Bed with Space/Ibiza"… Leslie JayCee became the year best DJ voted by "That's Beijing" readers. This summer, Leslie has invited again to Europe, 10 million people's massive party - Street Parade in Zurich. Leslie作为唯一一名两次受到超过百万人参与的电音盛事Loveparade演出邀请的中国DJ,近几年不断出现在各大知名的国际舞台, "Ministry of Sound", "Cream", "Mutek", "In Bed With Space/Ibiza"…在每一个电子音乐版图的殿堂都留下了自己的足迹。2004年Leslie获得"That's Beijing"杂志读者评选的年度最佳DJ。2015年Leslie再次登陆欧洲,受到著名的Street Parade的邀请,Leslie的JCM出现在了苏黎世百万人潮的狂欢派对!