

2015-10-27    04'55''

主播: 小巴黎野玫瑰

4051 224

《Hello》是Adele睽违乐坛四年 后回归的推出的新单曲。四年的时间让Adele从一个姑娘变成了一位人母。新歌也不在诉说感情上遭遇的那不顺,反而开始感叹人生,感叹时光流逝。 Adele说:“上一张专辑是一张分手专辑。这张专辑是一张弥补专辑。弥补逝去的时光,弥补做过的和未曾做过的一切。”不同于以往,这次没有对多去的琐事耿耿于怀。 ______________________________________ 《Hello》歌词 Hello, it&`&s me 你好吗 是我 I was wondering if after all these years you&`&d like to meet 我犹豫着要不要给你来电 我不确定多年之后的今日你是否还愿意见我 To go over everything 是否愿意来闲聊寒暄 细数从前 They say that time&`&s supposed to heal ya but I ain&`&t done much healing 人们都说时间能治愈一切 但似乎这说法不怎么适合我 Hello, can you hear me 嘿 你在听吗 I&`&m in California dreaming about who we used to be 我会梦到从前 美好的加州 美好的我们 When we were younger and free 当时那么年轻 向往自由的我们 I&`&ve forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet 我都快要忘了 但现实却让一切重现眼前 There&`&s such a difference between us 我们之间的差距愈见明显 And a million miles 有如天差地别 Hello from the other side 我还是想打给你 即使相隔天边 I must&`&ve called a thousand times to tell you 即使打上千遍万遍我也想给你来电 I&`&m sorry, for everything that I&`&ve done 对我从前所有的一切 说声抱歉 But when I call you never seem to be home 但似乎我每次来电 都是忙音不断 没人接 Hello from the outside 但这相隔千里的来电 At least I can say that I&`&ve tried to tell you 至少能让我不留遗憾 告诉你我的想念 I&`&m sorry, for breaking your heart 我想说我伤了你的心 真的很抱歉 But it don&`&t matter, it clearly doesn&`&t tear you apart anymore 但也许值得庆幸的是 不会再有人让你悲痛欲绝 Hello, how are you 嗨 你最近还好吗 It&`&s so typical of me to talk about myself 我已经习惯了自说自话帮你回答 I&`&m sorry, I hope that you&`&re well 对于过去我很抱歉 但希望你现在能好过一点 Did you ever make it out of that town 不知你是否已忘记那小城 Where nothing ever happened 那个除了回忆一无所有的小城 It&`&s no secret 毫无悬念 That the both of us are running out of time 我们都荒废了我们从前的时间 So hello from the other side 所以这来自远方的我的来电 I must&`&ve called a thousand times to tell you 即使打上千遍万遍我也想对你说 I&`&m sorry, 我很抱歉 for everything that I&`&ve done 对我从前所做的一切说声抱歉 But when I call you never seem to be home 但似乎我每次来电 都是忙音不断 没人接 Hello from the outside 但这相隔千里的来电 At least I can say that I&`&ve tried to tell you 至少能让我不留遗憾 告诉你我的想念 I&`&m sorry, for breaking your heart 我想说我伤了你的心 真的很抱歉 But it don&`&t matter 但也许值得庆幸的是 it clearly doesn&`&t tear you apart anymore 不会再有人让你悲痛欲绝 but it won&`&t 不会再有人 anymore 让你悲痛欲绝 anymore 不会再有 anymore 我们的从前 Hello from the outside 这来自远方的我的来电 I must&`&ve called a thousand times 即使打上千遍万遍 to tell you 我也想对你说 I&`&m sorry, 我很抱歉 for everything that I&`&ve done 对我从前所做的一切说声抱歉 But when I call you never seem to be home 但似乎我每次来电 都是忙音不断 没人接 Hello from the outside 但这相隔千里的来电 At least I can say that I&`&ve tried 至少能让我不留遗憾 告诉你我的想念 to tell you 我想说我伤了你的心 真的很抱歉 I&`&m sorry, for breaking your heart 但也许值得庆幸的是 But it don&`&t matter 不会再有人让你悲痛欲绝 it clearly doesn&`&t tear you apart anymore 不会再有人像我这样让你悲痛欲绝