

2015-11-18    03'00''

主播: 小巴黎野玫瑰

9804 767

Mandelbarth - Palmtree (Original) Outside my window I see fields of snow 透过窗是皑皑白雪 It&`&s cold and I just wanna fly away and be free 这么冷的天我好像自由地飞走 If I could flee from winter, you and I 要是我能和你一起逃离隆冬 I would go back to where it all began, you and me 我要去我们相识的地方 We were together on a isle of love 走在热恋之路上 The sun was shining for us everyday, from above 骄阳每天照耀着你我 We ran along the beach and you kissed me 我们在海滩上奔跑亲吻 Then you went for a swim like in my dreams 你游泳的样子我好像在梦中见过 Under the palm trees is where we dance tonight 今晚我们在棕榈树下起舞 Back then it felt like a roller coaster ride 感觉像是在坐过山车 Oh! Under the palm trees, where I found my love 在棕榈树下,我找到了真爱 Your skin on my skin, I couldn&`&t get enough 肌肤相亲,难舍难分 Right now I wait for spring so bad it hurts 此时此刻,我迫不及待地盼望春天的来临 My days are lonely cause you ran away, no goodbye 你不在的日子里我倍感孤独 I guess we knew this all was just a flirt 我猜我们都知道这只是一时的放纵 But I will never forget your sweet face, your green eyes 但我永远不会忘记你甜美的面庞和祖母绿的双眸 The smell of your warm skin was like a drug 你温热的肌肤就像是会上瘾的毒品 I lay beside you and we&`&re so be with so damn high 我躺在你身边就嗨了 If you could only give me one last time 能再见到你一次就好了 But I suppose you found another guy 能再见到你一次就好了 Under the palm trees is where we dance tonight 我们在棕榈树下起舞 Back then it felt like a roller coaster ride 感觉像是在坐过山车 Oh! Under the palm trees, where I found my love 在棕榈树下,我找到了真爱 Your skin on my skin, I couldn&`&t get enough 肌肤相亲,难舍难分