第二季回归!新一季80%节目用中文普通话,20%节目会邀请外国/香港朋友用英文或者粤语广东话进行!第二季第一期节目给大家带来一段网上相识相知、认真的跨国网恋故事!嘉宾是我在港大的印度尼西亚朋友,她和一位英国小哥的特殊的网恋。 【02:50】朋友“网上拍卖”我的约会 a friend “auction sell” my date on FB.【06:25】第一次约会:网上视频的惊喜 the first “date” by online video meeting: his little surprise that getsbonus points. 【11:50】网上视频也能让人感到深度连接 How did you two feel clicked by online meeting? 【14:26】从来没有见过真人的情况下,你怎么感到那种真实感?Have you ever doubted that he is a real person and this is a realrelationship without meeting physically?【17:00】和常见的、见过真人的亲密关系相比,这段网恋最大的区别是什么?What is the biggest difference of this relationship compared withnormal physical relationship? 【26:40】男朋友不在身边、因为时差没法即时回复的时候,怎么面对远距离异地恋?How did you two cope with long-distance relationship, that he is notby your side?【31:30】网上视频约会的日常惊喜 surprisingand sweet routine when they do online video dating.