

2021-06-17    02'14''

主播: Catherine萌芽集

404 1

Solitude 孤独 作者:Ella Wheeler Wilcox Laugh, and the world laughs with you; 你欢笑,世界陪你一起欢笑 Weep, and you weep alone; 你哭泣,却只能独自黯然神伤。 For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, 只因古老而忧伤的大地必须注入欢乐, But has trouble enough of its own. 它的烦恼已经足够。 Sing, and the hills will answer; 你歌唱,山谷将与你合音共曲; Sigh, it is lost on the air; 你叹息,空气将其无声埋没。 The echoes bound to a joyful sound, 快乐之声总能引起回声阵阵, But shrink from voicing care. 忧虑之音却令其销声匿迹。 Rejoice, and men will seek you; 你欢喜,人们会与你相随; Grieve, and they turn and go; 你悲伤,人们则会转身离去。 They want full measure of all your pleasure, 人人都愿分享你全部的快乐, But they do not need your woe. 但无人需要你的哀伤苦楚。 Be glad, and your friends are many; 快乐起来吧,你会拥有众多朋友。 Be sad, and you lose them all, 若悲伤感怀,你会与他们失之交臂。 There are none to decline your nectared wine, 没有人会拒绝与你共酌美酒甘露, But alone you must drink life's gall. 然而生活的苦汁你必须独自品尝。 Feast, and your halls are crowded; 饕餮盛宴,你的厅堂人潮涌动, Fast, and the world goes by. 时光飞逝,这世界匆匆而过, Succeed and give, and it helps you live, 成功、给予,是你生活的动力, But no man can help you die. 然而没有人能够替你离世而去。 There is room in the halls of pleasure 因为欢愉的殿堂里, For a long and lordly train, 容得下一节长长的豪华火车, But one by one we must all file on 但我们必须一个接一个地排队, Through the narrow aisles of pain. 穿越岁月磨难的狭长隧道而进入。