Time Flies by So Quickly时光飞逝

Time Flies by So Quickly时光飞逝

2023-03-30    05'17''

主播: 晚安英文-用声音遇见你

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Time Flies by So Quickly时光飞逝Time is a precious commodity that we can never get back once it has passed. Every second, every minute, and every hour is an opportunity to do something meaningful, to create memories, and to achieve our goals. Unfortunately, time flies by so quickly that we often find ourselves wondering where it all went.时间匆匆而过,宝贵难得。一旦逝去,就再也无法回头。每一秒、每一分、每一时都是施展才华、创造回忆、实现目标的良机。可惜,时间流逝得太快,我们常常惊觉时光荏苒,恍如隔世。When we were children, time seemed to move at a snail's pace. Each day felt like an eternity, and we couldn't wait to grow up and experience all that life had to offer. But as we get older, time seems to speed up. Weeks turn into months, months turn into years, and before we know it, we're celebrating another birthday.小时候,我们总感觉时间缓慢无比,一天过得永久漫长,渴望快点长大,尽享人生奇妙。可年岁一长,时间似乎加速了。几周过去,几个月过去,几年过去,转眼生日又到。It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and lose sight of the bigger picture. We focus on work, chores, and obligations, and before we know it, another day has gone by without us really living it. It's important to take a step back and appreciate the time we have, to make the most of every moment, and to live our lives to the fullest.常常被琐事和繁忙压得喘不过气,我们忘了远大目标。天天工作、家务、义务,不知不觉,又度过了一天“没活出真正的自己”。退后一步,珍惜时间,发掘每个瞬间的价值,畅享生命。We should cherish the time we have with our loved ones because we never know when it might be our last. We should pursue our passions and dreams because life is too short to let fear hold us back. We should be grateful for every opportunity that comes our way because each one is a chance to learn and grow.与爱的人相伴的时光珍贵无比,也许那是最后的相聚。追求梦想和热情,生命短促,莫让恐惧扼杀前进的脚步。感恩每个机会,因为每个机会都是成长的契机。Time is the most precious gift we have. We can't control how much of it we have, but we can control how we use it. Let's make the most of every moment, and live our lives with purpose and passion. After all, time flies by so quickly, and we don't want to look back and regret the moments we let slip away.时间是我们最为珍贵的礼物。我们不能掌控它的长短,却可以掌控如何利用它。让我们把握每个瞬间,带着目标和激情,勇敢地生活。毕竟,时间飞逝,我们不能后悔错失的珍贵时刻。