英语美文 | I could我可以

英语美文 | I could我可以

2024-10-25    02'32''

主播: 晚安英文-用声音遇见你

116 1

I could dream of you forever, but it wouldn't put me beside you. 我可以一直梦见你,但梦中你却不在我身边。 I could call your name on end, but you'll never hear me. 我可以一直呼唤你的名字,但你却永远听不见我的声音。 I could ask a million questions, but I'll never get the answer I want. 我可以问百万个问题,但我永远得不到想要的答案。 I could write a hundred poems, but you would still never understand. 我可以写下百篇诗歌,但你却仍然不会了解。 I could have said it before it was time to leave, but I said it in a little note. 我本可以在离开之前把话说出来,但我只敢写在小纸条上。 I could try to forget what I feel, but I've pushed too much out already. 我想试着去忘记我的感受,但我已经走出太远。 I could lie to myself, but lying exhausts the soul. 我可以骗我自己,但谎言已经耗尽了我的灵魂。 I could give up on you, but too much of me still loves you. 我可以放弃你,但是我仍然爱着你。