【退烧门诊部】Vol.1 好音质都有哪些方面?

【退烧门诊部】Vol.1 好音质都有哪些方面?

2024-12-22    66'33''

主播: 有待俱乐部

399 2

【退烧门诊部】Vol.1 好音质都有哪些方面?安东尼奥・维瓦尔第 - The Four Seasons No. 4 - The Winter犬之岛 - Shinto Shrine马友友 - Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: I. PréludeMiles Davis - So WhatAvishai Cohen - Eleven Wives 邵哈哈三重奏现场版Queen - Another One Bites the DustDaft Punk - Give Life Back to MusicPink Floyd - Speak to MePink Floyd - Breathe (in the Air)Pink Floyd - On the RunPink Floyd - Time (片段)坂本龙一 - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence雷光夏 - 不想忘记的声音