William/ Bert, Beth,and the Muffin Party 伯特贝丝的松饼派对

William/ Bert, Beth,and the Muffin Party 伯特贝丝的松饼派对

2018-02-03    01'29''

主播: 白鸽双语PigeonLanguage

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Bert, Beth,and the Muffin Party One day, Bert and Beth had an argument. 一天,波特和贝丝吵架了。 They didn’t talk to each other. 他们不和彼此讲话。 They didn’t play together. 他们也不在一起玩儿。 ‘Bert! Beth!’ called Grandpa. “贝丝!贝丝!”爷爷喊到。 ‘Can you help me make some muffins?’ “你能帮我做些松饼吗?” ‘OK,’ said Bert. “好的,”波特说。 ‘OK,’ said Beth. “好的,”贝丝说。 ‘Let’s have a muffin party,’ said Grandpa as he took the hot muffins out of the oven. “让我们举行一个松饼派对,” 爷爷边说边从烤箱里拿出热 气腾腾的松饼。 ‘We did a great job together!’ “我们完成得很棒!” ‘Hooray for us!’ said Bert and Beth. “我们万岁!”波特和贝丝说。 And they forgot all about their argument. 于是他们忘记了过去所有的不愉快。