葱老师旅游英语口语 007飞机上

葱老师旅游英语口语 007飞机上

2018-12-04    05'36''

主播: 葱小张

488 4

葱老师旅游英语口语 007飞机上 1. Will there be any food on the ride? 飞行途中提供什么食物吗? 2. Could I get a pair of headphones? 我能要副耳机吗? 3. Could I get a pillow please? 我能要个枕头吗? 4. Where is the bathroom? 卫生间在哪里? 5. Do you mind if I trade you for the window seat? 我和你换个靠窗户的座位行吗?