The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle. 成就一番伟业的唯一方式就是做热爱自己的事业。如果你还没能找到让自己热爱的事业,继续寻找,不要停歇。 让我们学一些实用口语表达。 The only way 唯一方法 You are out of your mind,That's the only way to explain all this stuff! 你疯了吧,这是解释一切的唯一方法 Yet: 举例1: I can't afford it yet (I can't afford a house yet) 我还买不起房 It's not over yet. 还没有完呢。 We haven't started yet.还没开始 Not yet.还没 放在否定句之后,表示还没有呢。 举例2: Is it finished yet? 行了吗? 完成了吗? Are you ready yet? 准备好了吗? 疑问句后,表示还没呢 举例3: You say you love this guy, yet you're about to ruin the happiest day of his life. 等同与but Settle: 停歇,冷静,解决,定居 Settle给人的感觉就是落下来,沉下来。了解这种感觉就明白了settle在不同口语语境中传达的意思 举例1: Settle可以用来表示冷静一下。 It’s OK, settle down. 同义表达:Calm down, chill yourself 举例2: 定居下来,稳定下来 If you come to beijing, you can stay with me, until you get settled. 如果你来北京,可以先住我这,直到你找到固定住所 I plan to settle down in this city.我计划在这个城市定居 举例3: Settle for 对什么满意满足 I'll settle for an "A" in my English course. 对英语课拿A,我会比较满意 举例4: 解决 So,let’s settle it. 让我们搞定它吧 After a the meeting, this argument was settled. 会议之后,争论解决了 每天一句正能量,每天陪你学口语。See you guys tomorrow.