

2017-01-07    07'15''

主播: Leopard美语说

205 9

欢迎来到临境英语, 每天一句正能量,每天陪你学口语。This is Leopard saying morning to you, everyday is a new start。 Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity. 用好奇心代替对未知的恐惧 世界一直被人们的好奇心所推动,任何对未知的探求都是一种进步。早晨,从一颗清澈的心灵开始。没有疑虑,没有眼泪;没有恐惧;没有担忧。只因未知,所以相往。 下面给你最实用的口语知识 Replace 代替... we find an energy source to replace fossil fuel. 我们找到新能源来代替化石燃料。 we’re gonna replace fossil fuel with new energy source. Fossil fuel is gonna replaced by new energy source. Fear 恐惧 You’re the one who faced the fears and ultimately overcame them. 你是一个能面对恐惧,并且最终克服他们的人 you should get over your silly fears. 你应该摆脱你的恐惧。 Curiosity 好奇心 Out of curiosity, what is your secret ingredient? 只是好奇,你的秘方是什么? Just out of curiosity, how much is that bag worth? 只是好奇,你的包包多钱? Hey, it's not that big a deal, I was just curious. 嘿,没什么大不了的,我只是好奇。 我有点好奇 你平时几点睡觉? Just out of curiosity,what time do you usually go to bed? 每天一句正能量,每天陪你学口语.