

2017-01-16    12'27''

主播: Leopard美语说

144 6

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. 另一个人的幸福对你自己的幸福至关重要,这就是爱 Condition 条件,状况 在日常口语中可以来形容人的健康状态,或者一个东西的状况。 How is your medical condition, has it grown better? No,it grown worth。 你的病况怎么样了,好点了吗。 没有,更加糟糕了 感冒发烧的小病,一般会这样问:feeling better now? Do you fell better now? 你现在觉得好点了吗? Heart condition:he has a heart condition 心脏病。 This car is in good condition. 这车性能很好。 It's in perfect condition. 这个车性能非常棒。 Essential:重要的,关键的 大家一定学过:important,crucial,significant等等。 但在口语中,有可能会使用一些实用的小词:讲一下口语中出现的表示“重要的”一些表达。 Means a lot to me, means something to me: 对我来说很重要 We've been friends since the first grade,and that means something to me. 我們一年級以來就是朋友我們的友誼對我來說很重要 This job means a lot to me,I can’t quit now这份工作对我来说很重要,我不能辞职 I'm gonna show you how much this means to me. 我来让你看看这对我来说多么重要。 Matter: The only thing that matters is that I want it back, 唯一重要的就是我想找回这个东西 None of those things matter, because we have something better.但是这些都不重要,因为我们有更美好的东西 It doesn't matter.无所谓 Big: This is big date,you need take it seriously 重要的约会 This is big moment,let’s hold our hands and pray 重要的时刻 Jack,Do you realize what a big deal this is? 你不明白 这对我多重要吗 It’s No big deal 没事,不重要,没什么大不了的 It's not a big deal.没事,不重要,没什么大不了的 Your own:你自己的 在口语中,your own 经常会出现 You'll never make it on your own 你永远无法独立完成它。 you’re strong enough to face him on your own 你有足够强大,你可以独立面对他 I don’t like you going out with my daughter,Why can’t you get a girlfriend your own age? 我不喜欢你带女儿出去,为什么你不能找一个和你相同年龄的女朋友呢 I believe you can make your own destiny 我相信你能自己掌握命运 Stop prying,Mind your own business 少管闲事
上一期: 创造人生
下一期: 一路前行(Balance, Move)