

2016-02-18    07'32''

主播: 北教培优学院

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Universities in the United States fall into five major categories: private universities, public universities, church universities, public community colleges, and private vocational colleges. A protrusion phenomenon is that 85% of the most excellent universities belong to the first category, namely private universities. This can be seen from the U.S. news and reports in other countries. 美国的大学可以分为五大类:私立大学、公立大学、教会大学、公立社区大学和 私立职业大学。一个突出的现象是,最优秀的大学中大约有85%都属于第一类,即私 立大学。这一点从美国新闻和世界报道的排名也可以看出。 These private universities are the all “research-oriented universities“,which do not only offer education of high quality but devote to first-class research. Although public universities are funded by the government, the gap between these public universities and the private universities continue to widen. Private universities are not only successful institutions of higher learning, but the core of industries. 这些私立大学都是常说的“研宄型大学”,它们不但提供优质的教育,而且做一 流的研宄。尽管公立大学拥有政府的资助,私立大学和公立大学之间的差距却是越来 越大。私立大学不仅仅是成功的高等学府,还是产业的核心。 Why are private universities in the United States more successful than public universities What make the private universities the core of the U.S. education There are many reasons for this, among which a very important one is that private universities receive substantial donations from many philanthropists and alumni. Harvard University is such a private university. 为什么美国的私立大学比公立大学更成功?是什么让私立大学成为美国教育的核 心?原因有很多,其中一个重要原因是私立大学从很多慈善家和毕业生那里得到了大 量捐助。哈佛大学就是这样一所私立大学。 Initially, when it was first voted into theoretical existence by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the new institution was named “New College”,without a single building, teacher, or student. In 1638, a young minister called John Harvard, upon his death, bequeathed to the college his entire library of about 400 book, and half of his estate of about £779. The minister was an alumnus of the University of Cambridge and had just settled in Charlestown less than one year before. His donation was like timely rain and assured the continued operation of the college. Then in 1639,the college was renamed in honor of the deceased John Harvard. 最初,当马萨诸塞湾殖民地总法院投票使其在理论上成立时,这个新机构被称为 “新学院”,没有任何建筑、教师、学生。1638年,一位名叫约翰哈佛的年轻牧师在 临终前把藏书约为400本书的图书馆和价值大约779英镑的一半遗产都捐赠给了这个 新的学院。该牧师是英国剑桥大学的毕业生,在査尔斯镇定居下来还不到一年。他的 捐助就像一场及时雨保证了学院的持续运转。然后1639年学院为纪念过世的约翰哈 佛而重新命名。 It was not until 1780 that Harvard College was upgraded to the university status. The earliest known official reference to Harvard as a ‘university” occurs in the new Massachusetts Constitution of 1780. Nevertheless, strictly speaking, Harvard University could not be called a “university”. At that time, according to the tradition of the European Medieval universities, only an institution with at least three colleges or schools could be called a university. Harvard, however, didn’t have any subcolleges. In the following decades, Harvard speeded up its construction. In 1816, Divinity School was founded, and in 1817 Law School was founded. These two schools, together with Harvard College, made Harvard become a genuine “university”. Harvard University in the true sense was finally born. 直到1780年哈佛学院才升格为大学。已知的最早的官方称哈佛为“大学”的资料 是1780年的新马萨诸塞州宪法。尽管如此,严 格说来,哈佛大学还不能被称为“大学”。那时,按照欧洲中世纪大学的传统,只有当一个机构拥 有3个以上学院时才能叫大学。但哈佛没有下属 学院。在接下来的几十年里,哈佛加快自身建 设,1816年成立了神学院,1817年成立了法学院。这两个学院,加上哈佛学院,让哈佛成了名副其 实的大学。真正意义上的哈佛大学终于诞生了。 --- Harvard College was founded in 1636 as a Puritan institution and a training ground for ministers. In the first 200 years, however, it gradually shook off the religious control and became a secular university. 1636年哈佛学院成立时,是个清教机构和培养牧师的地方。但在前200年它逐渐 摆脱了宗教控制,成为一所非宗教大学。 During its early years, the College offered a classic academic course based on the English university model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists in New England. Many of its earliest graduates went on to become clergymen in Puritan churches throughout New England. The Puritan minister in town provided direct oversight of Harvard. 早期的哈佛学院按照英国大学的模式开设了古典学术课程,但这些课程仍都保持与新英格兰第一批殖民者的清教哲学一致。早期很多学生毕业后都继续在新英格兰各 地的清教教堂里当牧师。剑桥(又称坎布里奇)镇上的清教牧师直接监督哈佛大学。 走进哈佛大学(MP3+中英字幕) 第3期:美国私立大学 Harvard’s early motto was Christo et Ecclesiae “For Christ and the Church” instead of Veritas “Truth”. The purpose of all education was to “let every student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life, and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning.” 哈佛大学早期的校训是“为基督,为教会”而不是“真理”。教育的全部意义在 于“让每一位学生都认真考虑以认识神与耶稣基督为永生之源,作为他人生与学习的 主要目标,因而以基督作为一切正统知识和学习的惟一基础。” Obviously, this motto was preached during a period when Puritanism was in domination and when the Untied States had not yet founded. From 1607 when the first English colony Jamestown was founded to 1776 when American Revolution broke out, almost all the English colonies in North America had established religions. These colonies discriminated and persecuted believers in deism and atheism, and restricted the development of science. Even so, Harvard College was brave enough to struggle against Puritanism. The 1708 election of the first president John Leverett marked a turning of the College toward intellectual independence from Puritanism. Although he was a clergyman, Leverett set the principle of independence of Harvard academy of religion. 非常明显,这个校训是在美国建国前的宗教专制时期鼓吹的。从1607年第一个 英属殖民地詹姆斯敦建立开始,直至1776年的美国独立战争,北美洲各英属殖民地 都有法定宗教。这些殖民地歧视和迫害自然神论和无神论的信仰者,并且限制科学的 发展。即便如此,哈佛学院仍勇敢地同清教主义做斗争。1708年第一任校长约翰李 维立特的当选标志着哈佛学院开始独立于清教。虽然李维立特是个牧师,但他确定了 哈佛学术独立于宗教的原则。 After the foundation of the United States,Christian tyranny was eliminated and the cause of education which pursued truth and science began to develop. Then in 1805 the takeover of Harvard by the Unitarians resulted in the secularization of Harvard. In 1843, Veritas “Truth” was adopted as the motto. 美国建国后,消灭了基督教专制,追求真理和科 学的教育事业开始发展起来。1805年一位论派接管了 哈佛,致使哈佛从宗教中分离出来。1843年“真理”成为哈佛校训。 Harvard University is a secular university now. However, there has, in recent years, been voices criticizing its secularity. Some people argue that the study of religion at Harvard is uniquely dysfunctional while the study is very important to analyze today’s world. They argue for more attention to the study of religion. It seems that the war between “reason” and “faith” will go on. 哈佛大学现在是个非宗教大学。但近些年来一直 有声音批评其世俗化。一些人争辩说哈佛的宗教研究 极其不到位,而宗教研究对于分析当今世界是非常重 要的。这些人认为应该给予宗教研宂更多的关注。看 来“理性”和“信仰”之争会持续下去。