

2016-03-09    04'04''

主播: 北教培优学院

851 89

Will sat up and began to eat another apple. 威尔坐起来又吃了一个苹果。 I want to be a writer,he said. 我想成为作家,他继续说道, A poet.I want that more than anything in the world. 诗人。世上再没有比这更令我神往的。 We were friends from that day,until the day he died. 自那天起我们就成了莫逆之交,直到他过世。 We met nearly every day,and he taught me a lot about books and poetry and writers. 我们几乎每天见面,他教了我许多书本和文学上的知识。 He always had his nose in a book. 他总是埋头博览群书。 When Will left school,he worked for his father in Henley Street. 威尔离开学校后就在亨里街帮助父亲料理生意。 John Shakespeare was a glove-maker, 约翰·莎士比亚是一位手套工匠, and he had other business too,like buying and selling sheep. 同时经营其他生意,如羊的买卖生意。 But Will wasn&`&t interested. 但威尔对做生意却不感兴趣。 What are we going to do,Toby? 托比,接下来你有何打算? he said to me one day. 有一天他问我。 We can&`&t spend all our lives making shoes and gloves! 我们不能一辈子都做鞋和做手套吧! Well,I said,we could run away to sea and be sailors. 对呀,我说,我们跑到海上当海员会, Sail round the world,like Francis Drake. 像弗朗西斯·杜雷克一样环绕地球航行。 Drake sailed back to Plymouth in 1581,after his three-year journey round the world, 杜雷克在环绕地球航行三年后于1581年回到普利茅斯, but we were still in Stratford. 可我们还是呆在斯特拉福镇。 We made lots of plans,but nothing ever came of them. 尽管也制定了种种计划,但始终未付诸行动。 Will was still reading a lot and he was already writing poems himself. 这段时间威尔依然博览群书并开始自己写诗, He sometimes showed them to me,and I said they were very good. 偶尔给我看他写的诗。虽然嘴上我都说他的诗写得好, I didn&`&t really know anything about poetry then, 实际上我对诗歌是一窍不通。 but he was my friend. 只不过他是我的好友我才这么说而已。 Will was not happy with his writing. 威尔对自己的诗歌并不满意。 I&`&ve got so much to learn,Toby,he said. 托比,我要学的东西太多了。他说, So much to learn. 实在太多了。 Poor Will.He had a lot to learn about women,too. 可怜的威尔。他还得学会了解每个人。 One day in October 1582 he came to my house with a long face. 1582年10月的一天他来到我的住处,神情沉郁。 I&`&ll never leave Stratford.he said. 我永远不能离开斯特拉福镇了。他说。 Why not?I asked.We&`&ll get away one day.You&`&ll see. 为什么不能?我问道,总有一天我们会离开此地。你等着瞧。 Perhaps you will,he said,but I&`&m going to be married in a few weeks&`& time.To Anne Hathaway. 或许你还行,他说,但过几个星期我就要结婚了。同安·哈瑟维结婚。 My mouth fell open and stayed open.Married!To Anne Hathaway? 一听此言我张着嘴愣了好久。结婚。同安·哈瑟维结婚? Is that the Hathaways over at Shottery? 你是说肖特雷邻乡哈瑟维家的女儿? Yes,Will said. 没错,威尔说。 I was working on some shoes on the table,and Will picked one up and looked at it. 当时我在做鞋,威尔拿起桌上一支鞋,看看。 Well,er,she&`&s a fine girl,of course,I said uncomfort-ably. 当然,嗯,她是个好姑娘,我同情地说道, But…but,Will,she&`&s twenty-six and you&`&re only eighteen! 不过…不过,威尔,她已经26岁了,你才18岁呀! I know,Will said.But I&`&ve got to marry her. 我知道,威尔说,但是我非娶她不行。 Oh no!I said.You mean,she&`&s… 哦,不可能这样吧!我说,你是说,她已经…… That&`&s right,said Will. 你猜对了,威尔说道, In about six months&`& time I&`&m going to be a father. 再过6个月我就要当爸爸了。