

2016-03-12    03'15''

主播: 北教培优学院

910 89

Chapter 4 A new life in London 第4章 伦敦的新生活 It's two days journey to London by horse,and Will talked all the way. 坐了两天的马车我们抵达伦敦,一路上威尔谈笑风生, His eyes were bright and excited. 双眼熠熠生辉, He was full of plans,and poems,and a love of life. 此时他踌躇满志,对生活无限憧憬。 I talked to one of the Queen's Men,he told me. 我曾和女王剧团的演员聊过天,他告诉我, He said that he could find me work in the theatre. 他说可以帮我在剧团找个活干, Acting,perhaps.Or helping to write some plays. 或许可以演戏,或者让我帮忙写剧本。 I showed him some of my writing,and he was very interested. 我曾给他看过一些我的作品,他很感兴趣。 When we rode into London,I began to feel afraid. 我们驱车进入伦敦城时,我开始感到心慌。 This was a big,big city,and we were just two unimportant young men from a small town. 这是很大、很大的一座城市,而我们只是两个从小镇来的微不足道的小伙子。 I'll never forget the noise,and the smells,and the crowds. 城市的拥挤、喧嚣掺和着种种气味至今令我记忆犹新。 There were 200,000 people living in the City of London, 伦敦市内生活着20万居民— I never saw so many people before in my life. 我以前从未见过这么多的人。 We went down to the river Thames and saw the famous London Bridge, 我们来到了泰晤士河,看到了著名的伦敦桥, with all its shops and houses. 及商店和住宅鳞次栉比。 Down the river was the Tower of London. 河下游便是伦敦塔, Enemies of the Queen went into the Tower through the river gate, 女王的敌人一旦从河 上的闸门进了这座塔, and mostly came out without their heads. 几乎不能生还。 We found a small inn in Eastcheap,not too expensive, 我们在东切普塞德街找到一处不太贵的小客栈住下, and had some bread,meat,and beer for our supper. 晚饭吃了几块面包、肉,喝了点啤酒。 Well,we're here!Will said.At last! 哇,我们终于到了这儿!威尔说道,终于! Mmm,I said.What do we do next? 是啊,我说,接下来我们干什么呢? He laughed.Everything! 他笑道:什么都干! The next day we began to look for work. 第二天我们便出去找活干。 Those early years were wonderful. 在伦敦最初几年的情况很好。 We didn't have much money,of course,and we had to work very hard. 由于身边钱不多,我们工作很卖劲。 A new actor only got six shillings a week,and there wasn't work every week. 因为新演员一星期只能拿到6先令的报酬,更何况并不是每个星期都能上台演出, I decided not to be an actor. 最后我决定放弃做演员。 Why not?said will.It's a great life. 为什么不干呢?威尔说道,这生活不是很好吗。 We were working that month for the Queen's Men at the theatre called The Curtain up in Shoreditch. 那个月我们工作的女王剧团正在滨渠街的窗帘剧院演出。 Will was acting four small parts in two different plays. 威尔分别在两出不同的戏中扮演了四个小角色, He played a soldier and a murderer in one play,and in the other play he was a thief, 在一出戏中扮演士兵和凶杀犯,在另一出戏中同时扮演小偷, and also an Italian lord in love with the Queen of the Night. 和一位爱上奈特王后的意大利勋爵, And he loved it. 他很喜欢这角色。