

2016-03-13    03'14''

主播: 北教培优学院

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Chapter 5 The plague years Chapter 5 瘟疫流行时期 Will wrote his play Richard III for Richard Burbage,and it was a great success. 威尔为理查·白贝芝编写了剧本《理查三世》,获得巨大成功。 Richard the Third was a wicked king—a murderer-but he was wonderful on the stage,with Burbage's great voice and fine acting. 剧中的理查三世是个虚伪狡诈的暴君—一个谋权篡位的凶手—由于白贝芝雄浑的嗓音和精彩的表演使这一形象在舞台上活灵活现。 Soon all London was saying King Richard's famous words when his horse is killed in war: 不久全伦敦传遍了理查王在战场上由于战马挨了一刀而摔倒时高喊的那句名言: A horse!a horse!my kingdom for a horse! 来一匹马!来一匹马吧!我的王位换一匹马! All kinds of people came to see plays and Will was making a lot of new friends. 形形色色的人慕名来看戏,威尔也因此结交了许多新朋友。 One day,after the play,he was talking to a young man outside the Rose. 一天,演出结束后,我看见在玫瑰剧院外他正和一个年轻人交谈。 He was a very beautiful young man,a bit like a girl,perhaps—but still very good-looking. 这人年少英俊,或许有点像女孩,不过依然相貌堂堂。 Later,I asked Will who he was. 后来,我向威尔问起这个人。 The Earl of Southampton,Will said. 他是索桑普敦伯爵,威尔说道, He's only eighteen,but he loves poetry and plays. 他年仅18岁,酷爱诗歌和戏剧。 Isn't he a friend of the Earl of Essex? 他是不是爱塞克斯伯爵的朋友? I asked.Everybody knew the Earl of Essex. 我问他。爱塞克斯伯爵无人不晓。 He was young and good-looking—and some people said that Queen Elizabeth was in love with him. 他年轻英俊—有人说伊丽莎白女王也爱着他。 I don't know about that. 这件事我倒不清楚。 The Queen was fifty-nine years old,and a very,very clever woman. 女王年已59岁,是个非常非常聪明的女人。 But it was true that she liked to have good-looking young men around her, 但是女王喜欢年轻的、面目俊俏的男人陪伴左右是千真万确的, and the Earl of Essex was her favourite. 而爱塞克斯伯爵最得宠。 Then.It all changed later,of course. 不过后来一切都变了。 Yes,he is.said Will.But I think Essex is a dangerous man Henry needs better friends than him. 他的确是这样的人,威尔说道,但我认为爱塞克斯是个危险的人物,亨利需要结交比他更好的朋友。 Henry,eh?I said,surprised. 哦,亨利?我诧异地说道, My word!Do you really call him Henry?Not Lord Suthampton? 真没想到!你真的叫他亨利吗?而不叫索桑普敦伯爵。 Only when other people aren't there.Will laughed. 只有别人不在时才叫的,威尔笑了起来, I'm still just an actor from Stratford,Toby. 托比,毕竟我还只是从斯特拉福镇来的一个演员而已, Not very important. 无足轻重。 Let's go and have a drink at the Boar's Head on our way home. 我们回去吧,顺便到公猪头酒吧喝一杯。 Will was always like that.Quiet,never shouting about himself to the world. 威尔这人就是这样,处世稳重,从不对世人标榜自己。 In the Boar's Head we met some friends and started talking. 在公猪头酒吧我们遇见几位朋友,便开始高谈阔论起来。 The talk was all about the plague,which was coming back again into London. 话题都是关于伦敦这次卷土重来的瘟疫。 Have you heard the latest news?said one man. 你是否听说了最新消息?有人说道, They say that more than thirty people are dying every week now. 他们说,现在每星期都有30多人濒临死亡的危险。