

2016-03-15    03'48''

主播: 北教培优学院

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Chapter 6 Death in the family 第6章 幼子夭折 After the plague years,we were busy all the time. 瘟疫流行过后的几年,我们一直忙个不停。 There were new companies of players and Will now belonged to the Lord Chamberlain&`&s Men. 市里又有了几家新剧团,如今威尔属于宫内大臣剧团。 The Lord Chamberlain was a very important man,close to the Queen, 宫内大臣身居要职,与女王关系亲密。 and we often put on plays for the Queen&`&s court,and in the houses of the great lords of England. 这样一来,我们经常有机会被召进女王的宫廷演戏,或者到英国达官显贵的府邸演戏。 We had some very good actors. 我们剧团不乏出色的演员。 There was Will,and Richard Burbage,of course,and John Heminges. 其中有威尔,理查·白贝芝,约翰·海明, And there was Augustine Phillips,Henry Condell,and Thomas Pope. 奥古斯丁·菲利普斯,亨利·康德尔和托马斯·蒲伯。 There were other actors,too,but those six were the real company. 当然还有其他演员,只是这六个人是剧团的台柱。 They worked together for more than twenty years.And made a lot of money,too. 他们已经一起合作了20多年,也赚了不少的钱。 I did the costumes and properties for the Chamberlain&`&s 我仍为宫内大臣剧团做戏装和道具。 John Heminges said I was the best properties man in the city. 约翰·海明说我是伦敦市里最出色的道具师。 Will was special—because he wrote the plays. 威尔就不同凡响了—因为他会创作剧本。 And what plays they were!He never wrote the same play twice,like some writers. 而且写出的剧本让人叫绝!他总能标新立异,与众不同,笔头又快, He was always trying something new,something different.And he wrote fast,too. 而且从不像有些作家那样创作雷同的剧本。 John Heminges could never understand that. 约翰·海明一直感到纳闷。 How can you write so fast,Will?he asked him. 威尔,你怎会写得这么快?他问道,And you never make a mistake or change a word. 并且你从未出过差错或是改动只言片语。 Will didn&`&t really understand it himself. 说实在,威尔自己也说不清楚。 It&`&s all in my head,he said.I think about it, 一切都已在我的头脑里。他说,我一想到,and then it just comes out on paper. 立刻就能跃然纸上。 He wrote a play about love in 1595.Young love. 1595年他创作了一部爱情剧,讲述一对年轻的恋人, It was Romeo and Juliet. 这就是《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。 It was a very sad play,because the young lovers die at the end. 这是一出非常凄艳动人的悲剧。虽然最终这对年轻的恋人双双殉情而死, But the playgoers loved it. 但是该剧广受欢迎, They wanted to see it again and again. 观众百看不厌。 Will played the part of old Capulet,Juliet&`&s father. 剧中威尔扮演朱丽叶的父亲老凯布。 One of the boy actors played the part of Juliet. 女主角朱丽叶由剧团一位少年扮演。 There were no women actors,so boys played all the women&`&s parts. 因为当时没有女演员,所以剧中所有的女角色都由少年来扮演。 Of course, Will never put real love-making on stage. 当然,威尔在舞台上对情爱并没有多加渲染, He did it all with words—clever,beautiful words, 都是通过台词—优美生动的台词使你置身于剧中 and you forgot that the women and girls were really boys in dresses. 而忘了台上女角色实际上是化过装的少年。 Some of the boy actors were very good,and went on to play men&`&s parts when they were older. 有些少年演员演技很好,年长后可继续上台扮演男角。 We played Romeo and Juliet at Richmond Palace that year. 那年我们在里士满宫上演了《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。 We always played before the Queen at Christmas. 每逢圣诞节,我们常在女王御前演出, She liked to see the new plays,and she paid us 10 a play. 她爱看新剧,而且一出剧付我们10英镑。 We often had to work through the night to get the stage ready in time, 我们经常得通宵达旦,及时赶搭戏台, but it was exciting to be in one of the Queen&`&s palaces at Christmas. 但圣诞节时能在女王宫廷内演出倒让人感觉是一件兴奋的事。 There was a lot of singing and dancing,and eating and drinking. 宫廷内载歌载舞,大摆宴席,觥筹交错。 Some years Christmas began in November and didn&`&t finish until February or March. 有几年圣诞节11月便开始,一直热闹到次年二三月才结束。