

2016-03-17    05'15''

主播: 北教培优学院

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After a while I said,You'll have other sons 稍过片刻我说道:你还会有儿子的。 Anne's forty already.Will's voice was tired. 安都40岁了,威尔说这话时,声音充满倦怠, She's had no children since the twins. 自孪生子以后,她就没生孩子。 Well,now,you've got two fine girls in Susanna and Judith. 好啦,不用愁的,你还有两个可爱的女儿苏姗娜和珠迪丝。 They'll marry before long,and then you'll have more grandsons than you can count. 将来她们结婚后,你就有数不清的外孙了。 You'll see.There'll be boys running up and down stairs,shouting for their Granddad Will! 你瞧,到时,这些外孙们会在楼梯上跑上跑下围着你亲热地叫他们的威尔外公。 He smiled sadly,but his eyes were not so empty now.Pleased,I went on quickly: 他戚戚地笑了一下,不过现在他的眼神不再那么茫然了。我心中一喜,顺势说道: And there are all your brothers—Gilbert,Richard,Edmund. 你还有兄弟——吉尔伯特、理查和埃德蒙。 They'll have sons too.The Shakespeare family will never die out. 他们也会有儿子的。莎士比亚家族绝不会无后的。 Think of the family,Will,the family! 想想整个家族吧,威尔,整个家族! And he did.He was already a famous poet and playwright,but he was a family man,too. 他的确振作起来。尽管他已成为颇具名望的诗人和剧作家,但他也是一个关心家庭的人。 The next year,1597,he bought a new house for his family. 翌年1597年,他为家庭购置了一座新住宅。 It was a big,grand house,called New Place,right in the middle of Stratford. 这座叫作新地方的住宅就在斯特拉福镇中心,规模大且堂皇, It cost 60—a lot of money—and the townspeople began to say Mr Shakespeare, 花了60英镑,一笔数目可观的钱——于是镇上的居民开始改口称他莎士比亚绅士 not Young Will the actororJohn Shakespeare's boy. 而不再叫小威尔戏子或约翰·莎士比亚的儿子, They were happy to do business with him,and to borrow money from him. 而且也乐意同他做生意,向他贷款。 Anne was very pleased with the new house. 安很高兴住进新房子, The wife of Mr Shakespeare of New Place was an important person in Stratford. 身为新地方的莎士比亚的夫人,在斯特拉福镇自然算是一个体面人物, But she still didn't like Will's work. 不过她依然不喜欢威尔从事的工作。 Actors are wild,dangerous people,she often said to him. 演员都是些粗野、危险的人。她常对他这么说, I'm not interested in plays or the theatre, 对戏剧和戏院我毫无兴趣, and I don't want to know anything about your work. 对你干的事也懒得知道。 But she liked the money,and the new house,and the new dresses, 她感兴趣的只是钱、新房子、新衣服, and the six fields of apple trees and the big farm north of Stratford that came a few years later. 以及几年后买下的六座苹果园和斯特拉福镇北部的大农场。 Will never talked much about Hamnet. 威尔不再多提哈姆奈特, Life goes on and Will was busier than ever. 日子照样周而复始,威尔比以往更忙碌。 But I know he thought about his son a lot; 但我知道他很怀念儿子, his grief was very deep inside him.A year or two later, 只不过把悲痛深埋在心里。一两年后, I was talking to John Heminges abut the costumes for Will's new play,King John. 当我与约翰·海明商谈威尔的新剧本—《约翰王》的服装时,我就更有体会。 John Heminges was a family man—he had fourteen children in the end. 约翰·海明是个爱家的人—他共有14个孩子。 The noise is his house!Shouting and laughing,coming and going… 孩子们在家又叫又笑,东奔西跑,家里热闹得不得了…… John was looking at the playbook. 约翰正在翻阅剧本。 You see this bit here,Toby,he said. 托比,你瞧这段话,他说道, Will's writing about his son,isn't he? 威尔分明在写他的儿子,是吗? I read the words slowly,and remembered Will's empty eyes that day in August. 我细细地回味这段话,眼前又浮现出八月那天威尔一双失神的眼睛。 Grief fills the room up of my absent child, 悲哀填满了我那不在跟前的孩子的房间, Lies in his bed,walks up and down with me, 躺在他的床上,陪着我到东到西, Puts on his pretty looks,repeats his words… 装扮出他美妙的神情,复述着他的言语… Richard Burbage said once that Will's writing changed after Hamnet's death. 理查·白贝芝也曾讲过。哈姆奈特死后,威尔的创作风格迥然不同。 Will still laughed at people in his plays, 威尔照样在剧本上讥讽世人, but he also felt sorry for them—sorry for all the world,good and bad,rich and poor,young and old.And his people were real. 但也对人们寄予无限的同情—同情全世界的人,不论好与坏、贫与富、长与幼。他塑造的人物是真实的。 No one was all good, or all bad. 世上本无十全十美的好人,也无十恶不赦的坏人。 There was a man called Shylock in his play The Merchant of Venice. 《威尼斯商人》一剧就是最好的例证。 This Shylock was a money-lender and a cruel man—everyone hated him. 剧中的夏洛克是个残忍无情的高利贷者—每个人都憎恨他, But in the end,when Shylock lost everything,you had to feel sorry for him. 但故事最终,当夏洛克倾家荡产之后,你又不得不起恻隐之心。 He was just a sad old man. 他毕竟只是个可悲的老头。 Perhaps Richard was right.And if anyone understood Will,it was Richard Burbage. 或许理查说得对,要说世上还有谁了解威尔,也就是理查·白贝芝了。