

2016-03-18    04'29''

主播: 北教培优学院

887 86

During the next few years the plague was always with us. 随后的几年里,瘟疫流行不断, Some years it was bad,other years not so bad. 有些年份情况很糟,有些年份也好不了多少。 When the theatres in London closed,we went on tour. 只要伦敦内剧院关门停业,我们就下乡巡回演出。 Well,the King&`&s Men did. 当然,国王剧团一直这么做。 Will and I were mostly at home in Stratford in the summers. 威尔和我夏天多半呆在斯特拉福镇的家中。 Will was usually writing,and I did bits of business for him when I could. 威尔通常搞创作,而我则尽可能帮助他打理零碎的生意。 Susanna married Dr John Hall in June,1607, 1607年6月,苏姗娜嫁给约翰·豪尔医生。 and Will&`&s granddaughter Elizabeth was born in February the next year. 翌年2月威尔的外孙女伊丽莎白出世。 We had a very cold winter that year. 那年冬天,天寒地冻, The river Thames in London froze right up to Westminster. 泰晤士河伦敦河段到西敏斯特河段大面积结冰。 People had parties and cooked sheep over fires on the ice. 人们就在冰上举行盛会,还生起篝火烤羊吃。 Will&`&s brother Edmund died that winter—he was only twenty-seven—and Will&`&s mother died in September the next year. 那年冬天,威尔的弟弟埃德蒙去世—年仅27岁—第二年9月,威尔的母亲又不幸过世。 Will was writing a different kind of play at this time. 这一时期,威尔创作风格大有变化。 John Heminges said they were dark,cruel plays,and that Will was only looking at the black side of people. 约翰·海明说威尔只看到人们丑陋的一面,使得戏剧带上沉郁、残暴的色彩。 But that was the thing about Will. 不过,他的创作风格一直在变, He was still changing,trying new kinds of poetry and stories in his plays all the time. 不断尝试在戏剧中运用新格调的诗歌的故事。 And suddenly,there was a new kind of play,full of laughing and spring flowers and love:The Winter&`&s Tale. 出人意料,他又创作出一部新剧本《冬天的故事》,这部戏剧充满欢笑,春天的鲜花和爱情。 When we were in London,we often went in the evenings to the Mermaid Tavern in Cheapside it was a very good inn,with good beer,and all the writers and poets in London went there. 在伦敦时,我们晚上经常到切普塞特街的美人鱼酒店。这家酒店环境舒适,备有好酒,是伦敦文人墨客聚会喝酒的好去处。 We were there one evening in the winter of 1610,I think it was. 1610年冬天的一个晚上,我们来到这家酒店,我记得没错。 A lot of Will&`&s friends were there—actors,writers. 威尔的许多朋友—演员和剧作家都在场, Ben Jonson was there,of course.He was a great drinker all his life. 当然少不了平生很能喝酒的本·琼生。 He was writing a lot of plays now and was doing very well. 虽然他创作了大量的剧本,也小有名气, But he never had any money—Will always paid for the beer. 但他还是身无分文—连喝啤酒的钱通常都要威尔掏腰包。 You&`&re losing your hair,Will,I said to him one day. 威尔,你掉头发啦。一天,我对他说道。 We&`&re both getting old,Toby,he said.There&`&s no escape from it.Old and tired. 我们俩都老了,托比,他说,谁也躲避不了,又老又不中用了。 Don&`&t talk like that,I said.You&`&re only forty-seven. 别这么说,我说,你才47岁, There&`&s still some life in you yet.And another twenty plays! 日子还长着呢,还可以再写20部戏剧! No,he said slowly.No,I think the poetry is nearly finished. 难啦,他缓缓说道,难啦,我发觉自己已是江郎才尽, I&`&m getting tired,Toby.I need a rest. 我也感觉累了,托比。我需要休息。 I think The Tempest is going to be my last play. 我想《暴风雨》将是我最后一部戏剧。 I&`&m saying goodbye to the stage. 我要和舞台告别啦。 Times are changing,and people want a different kind of play now. 时代在变化,人们现在需要看些不同风格的戏剧。 There are lots of new,younger writers,who know how to please the playgoer. 更何况纷纷涌现出一批年轻的新剧作家,他们懂得如何博得观众的欢心。 I&`&m not modern any more. 我再也跟不上时代了。 He never usually talked like this,and I didn&`&t like it. 他从来不曾这样说过,我也不爱听。 There&`&s only one Will Shakespeare,I said,and he&`&ll always be modern. 世上只有一位威廉·莎士比亚,我说,他永远属于这个时代。 Now,I must get on. 好啦,该干活了, I&`&ve got to go out and buy all the cloth for the new costumes in The Tempest. 我得出去购置《暴风雨》一剧新服装的布料。 Why did you have to put it on an island? 你为什么要将故事发生在一个荒岛上呢? When the ship goes down,the actors all have to come on stage in wet clothes. 轮船下沉后,演员们只能穿着湿漉漉的衣服回到舞台。 It takes a day to dry the costumes,so that means two lots of clothes for everyone—wet and dry! 衣服要花一天的时间才能晒干,这就意味着每人都得准备两套衣服—一件湿衣服和一件干衣服。