

2016-06-01    02'41''

主播: 北教培优学院

1342 67

I had finally found he who was ordained to next receive the chest. 我终于等到了可以继承那只香杉木箱的人。 Strangely, as soon as I knew I had found the right one, 说也奇怪,从我找到合适人选的时候开始, my life's energy began to slowly drain away. 我的精力便开始衰竭。 Now I am near the end but my long search is over and I can depart from this world in peace." 现在我的大限已到,可以安心地走了。” The old man's voice grew faint 老人的声音越来越弱, but he clenched his bony fists and leaned closer to Hafid. 他握紧双拳,倾身向前对海菲说: "Listen closely, my son, “孩子,你仔细听着, for I will have no strength to re?peat these words." 因为我没有力气再重复这些话了。” Hafid's eyes were moist as he moved nearer to his master. 海菲含着泪,坐到主人身旁。 Their hands touched and the great salesman inhaled with effort. 他们握着手。这位推销大师深深地吸了口气,继续说道: "I now pass on this chest and its valuable contents to thee “我现在把这只箱子还有里面价值连城的东西都交给你, but first there are certain conditions to which you must agree. 但是你必须先答应我几件事情。 In the chest is a purse with one hundred gold talents. 这里有一个钱袋,装着一百枚金币。 This will enable you to live and purchase a small supply of rugs 你可以用它们维持生计, with which you can enter the business world. 再买一些地毯开始做生意。 I could bestow on you great wealth 我本可以给你更多钱财, but this would do you a terrible disservice. 但是这对你只有百害而无一益, Far better is it that you become the world's wealthiest and greatest salesman on your own. 你要靠自己的奋斗,成为世上最伟大的推销员才有意义。 You see, I have not forgotten your goal. 你现在知道我一直没忘记你的梦想了吧! "Depart from this city immediately and go to Damascus. “现在,你马上离开这里,到大马士革去, There you will find unlimited opportunities to apply what the scrolls will teach. 那儿有的是机会,羊皮卷里的东西派得上用场。 After you have secured lodging you will open only the scroll marked One. 等你落下脚,就可以打开第一张羊皮卷了,其它几卷暂时不要看。 You are to read this over and over until you understand fully 你要反复诵读, the secret method which it relates 熟记里面的内容, and which you will use in learning the principles of selling success contained on all the other scrolls. 体会其中的含义。 As you learn from each scroll 以后再依次打开其它几卷, you can begin to sell the rugs you have purchased, 就可以开始卖手中的毯子了 and if you combine what you learn with the experience you acquire, 运用里面的原则和方法, and continue to study each scroll as instructed, 按照羊皮卷的指导 your sales will grow in number each day. 你卖出的地毯一定会一天比一天多的。” My first condition then is that you must swear under oath “我首先要你答应的条件是:你必须发誓, that you will follow the instructions contained in the scroll marked One. 依照第一卷的指示去做。 Do you agree?" 你答应吗?” "Yes, sire." “答应,老爷。” "Good, good ... “好,好, and when you apply the principles of the scrolls 只要照着羊皮卷上面教的去做, you will become far wealthier than you have ever dreamed. 将来你会比自己梦想的还要富有。 My second condition 我的第二个条件是, is that you must constantly dispose of half your earnings 你必须把赚下的钱财 to those less fortunate than you. 分给那些比你不幸的人。