

2017-01-25    01'39''

主播: 北教培优学院

199 12

Meg and Beth said Noat once, but Amy said nothing. 麦格和白丝立即说:没拿,可艾米没作声。 Amy,you've got it,said Jo. 艾米,是你拿了,琼说。 No,I haven't, said Amy. 不,我没拿,艾米答道。 Thats a lie!said Jo.Tell me the truth, or I'll make you! 你说谎!琼说,告诉我实话,否则我会逼你讲! Do what you like,said Amy.You'll never see your stupid book again,because I burned it! 随你的便,艾米说,你永远也不会见到那个讨厌的笔记本了,因为我把它烧了! Jos face went white.What! But I worked so hard writing my stories! 琼的脸变得惨白。什么?我那么努力地写我的故事! I said Id make you sorry,and I have!said Amy. 我说过会让你后悔,现在我做到了!艾米说。 Jo jumped at Amy and shook her shoulders. 琼跳过来摇晃着艾米的肩膀, You wicked,wicked girl!cried Jo.Ill never,ever forgive you!And she ran out of the room. 你这个可恶透顶的孩子!琼喊着,我永远永远也不会饶恕你的!然后她就跑出了房间。 Mrs March came home and heard the story. 马奇太太回到家里听说了这件事。 Oh, how could you do that,Amy?she said. 噢,你怎么能那样做呢,艾米?她说。 That was Jos book of stories. 那是琼的故事书。 She wrote them all herself,and was hoping to make them good enough to print. 那些都是她自己写的,她期望有一天把它们修改好了能够去发表的。 Slowly,Amy began to understand the terrible thing she had done,and started to cry. 慢慢地,艾米开始意识到她所做的事情有多糟,她开始哭起来。 Later,when Jo appeared for tea,Amy begged her sister to forgive her. 后来,当琼来喝茶的时候,艾米请求她姐姐原谅她。