Friends 116  The One with the Two Parts, part 1

Friends 116 The One with the Two Parts, part 1

2016-04-24    22'33''

主播: 睡衣外穿的花菜

1041 98

【简介】 1.16 The One with the Two Parts, part 1 Chandler and Joey meet Ursula, Phoebe's twin sister; Joey begins dating Ursula, but that bothers Phoebe, who doesn't get along with her sister very well. Ross attends Lamaze class with Carol and Susan; Carol isn't sure she can go through with the delivery; Ross realizes he's really going to be a father. Chandler can't bear to fire an employee he's attracted to, so he starts to date her and tells everyone else she's mentally unbalanced, so it isn't safe to fire her; she begins to notice people treating her oddly, so Chandler has to come clean(v.坦白承认). Ross has trouble controlling his monkey, Marcel, who switches Monica's TV into Spanish mode; no one can figure out how to switch it back. Mr. Heckles could have cats. Jamie and Fran (from Mad About You) make an appearance in Central Perk. Rachel finally gets around to taking down the Christmas lights, but falls off the balcony in the process, and ends up hanging upside down outside Mr. Heckles' window. 116 双胞胎两部曲(一) 德和乔伊碰到了菲比的孪生姐姐乌苏拉;乔伊和她约会,这可惹恼了和姐姐关系僵持的菲比。 罗斯和卡萝及苏珊一起参加助产课程;卡萝对分娩心怀恐惧;罗斯意识到自己将升级为人父。 钱德为公司里一名雇员所吸引,却受命要解雇她,他实在下不了手,于是开始约会她,并告诉每个人说,她精神状态极度失衡,如果解雇她后果将不堪设想;她注意到人们态度异样,钱德不得不摊牌。 罗斯管教不了他的猴子马赛尔,马赛尔把莫妮卡的电视调到西班牙模式,谁也不知道怎么能调回来。 海先生说他养了猫。 电视剧《为你疯狂》中的简米和弗蓝在Central Perk中亮相,还把菲比错当成乌苏拉。 瑞秋终于去取圣诞灯饰,但不慎从阳台跌下,在海先生家窗外悬着。 【详解】 (Ursula Buffay, Phoebe’s identical twin sister, is waiting on tables in her inimitable manner.) identical twin n.同卵双生/wait on v.招待/inimitable adj.不可仿效的 Ursula: Right, yeah, ’cause it’s close to where I live, and the aprons are really cute. apron n.围裙 Ross: I don’t know whether he’s testing me, or just acting out, but my monkey is out of control. But, he keeps erasing the messages on my machine, "supposedly" by accident. act out v.表演/supposedly adv.按照推测地[ Ross: And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword. in a row adv.连续地 Ross: Oh, Pheebs, I’m sorry, I’ve got to go. I’ve got Lamaze class. Lamaze adj.无痛分娩法的 心理助产法的 Ross: No, no. (Distractedly putting on a jacket to go out) I mean, it might’ve been at first, but by now, I think I’m pretty comfortable with the whole situation. distractedly adv.惊慌失措地/by now adv.事到如今 Chandler: Well, it throws my WENUS out of whack. out of whack 紊乱 (机器等)不正常 Joey: I went back to Riff’s. I think Ursula likes me. All I ordered was coffee, she brought me a tuna melt and four plates of curly fries. tuna n.金枪鱼 Teacher: Alrighty. We’re gonna start with some basic third stage breathing exercises, so Mummies, why don’t you get on your back? And... coaches, you should be supporting Mummy’s head. get on one’s back躺下来/coach n.教练 Teacher: Good. Now imagine your vagina is opening like a flower. vagina n.阴道 Jamie: No, no, no. We were there last night. She kept... (shuddering at the memory) ..bringing swordfish. (Indicating the ladies’ bathroom) are you gonna go to the...? shudder v.(人)发抖 战栗/swordfish n.剑鱼 Phoebe: (Philosophically) Oh, that’s good. philosophical adj.泰然自若的 Monica: Congratulations, I think you’ve found the world’s thinnest argument. thin adj.空洞的 浅薄的 (The wool-bound trio returns to the table. Rachel has to rush ahead to avoid becoming tangled. Joey brings the shopping bag over to Phoebe, and takes out a nice cardigan.) trio n.三人一组/tangled adj.缠绕的/bound v.跳跃前进/cardigan n.(胸前开扣)羊毛衫 Joey: Oh, no no no. It’s for Ursula. I just figured, you know, size-wise. size-wise adv.就尺寸而言 Mr. Douglas: (Shutting the door, then pointing vaguely at Nina’s shapely departure) She’s still here. vaguely adv.含糊地/shapely adj.(尤指人的身材)匀称的 Chandler: Yes, yes she is. Didn’t I memo you on this? See, after I let her go, I got a call from her psychiatrist, Dr. Flanen-nen, Dr. Flanen, Dr. Flan. psychiatrist n.精神病医师 (Thinking quickly, Chandler desperately tries to remember anything to do with schizophrenia....) schizophrenia n.精神分裂症 Chandler: And he informed me that she took the news rather badly, in fact, he mentioned the word frenzy. frenzy n.狂暴 狂怒 Chandler: Oh, no, no. Nina... (miming fairies twinkling around his head) ..she is whooo wewee-woo whoo whoo! In fact, if you asked her right now, she would have no recollection of being fired at all, none at all. fairy n.精灵/recollection n.回忆 记忆 Carol: (Turning on Ross) Oh, what do you know? No one’s going up to you and saying, "Hi, is that your nostril? Mind if we push this pot roast through it?" go up to前往/nostril n.鼻孔/pot roast n.炖熟的肉 Susan: I know it’s frightening, but, big picture. The birth part is just one day, and when it’s over, we’re all gonna be parents for the rest of our lives. big picture A view of looking at things which shows the end result or the insignificance of a particular idea or event being evaluated.大局 Ross: Aw, how can you say that? I can’t even get Marcel to stop eating the bath mat. How am I gonna raise a kid? mat n.席子/bath mat n.浴室防滑垫 Chandler: Oh, you don’t know. (Presses a button.) Helen, could you make sure we put through the paperwork on Miss Bookbinder’s raise? put through v.处理/paperwork n.文书工作 Helen: (Over the intercom) So you still want me to send her psychological profile to Personnel? profile n.简介/Personnel n.人事部门 Chandler: Pretty well. Except for the stapler thing. (He holds up a bandaged hand.) Little tip: if you’re ever in a similar situation, never ever leave your hand... (he mimes Nina taking her revenge) ..on the desk. stapler n.订书机/take one’s revenge v.采取报复/bandage v.用绷带包扎 Phoebe: Um, yeah. Look, I mean, I’m not saying she’s like evil or anything. She just, you know, she’s always breaking my stuff. When I was eight, and I wouldn’t let her have my Judy Jetson thermos, so she threw it under the bus. And then, oh, and then there was Randy Brown, who was like... Have you ever had a boyfriend who was like your best friend? thermos n.热水瓶/Judith "Judy" Angela Jetson is a fictional character in the cartoon series, The Jetsons. She was voiced by Janet Waldo in the original television series, and by Tiffany in Jetsons: The Movie. Monica and Rachel: (Wistfully, shaking their heads) No. wistful adj.渴望的(尤指过去的或不可能的事物) 向往的