Friends  216  The One Where Joey Moves Out

Friends 216 The One Where Joey Moves Out

2016-05-06    21'26''

主播: 睡衣外穿的花菜

1911 180

【前言】又是解析~~ 【简介】216 乔伊搬走了! 乔伊带钱德参加同剧组演员的派对。该演员打算搬家,建议乔伊租下他现在的房子。 乔伊自小从未独立生活过,所以决定一试。这可伤了钱德的心。 菲比邀瑞秋一起去纹身。最后的结果出人意料。 罗斯和莫妮卡去参加父亲的生日派对,理查是他父亲的好友,当然也出席。 理查新结识小女友的消息传得沸沸扬扬。 莫妮卡和理查在洗手间碰面后,适逢其母到来,莫妮卡不及躲闪,藏在浴帘后嗣机溜走。 不料她父母却在洗手间鬼混,莫妮卡撞见一场现场秀。 最终,莫妮卡终于对父母招供,她和理查已经相恋多时了。 【解析】 [Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Joey are sitting at the bar, in their bathrobes, eating cereal] bathrobe n.浴衣,晨衣/cereal n.谷类食品(breakfast cereals) JOEY: Man this is weird. You ever realize Captain Crunch's eyebrows are actually on his hat? weird adj.畸形的/eyebrow n.眉毛/Captain Crunch:这是美国著名的麦片品牌“嘎吱船长”,乔伊发现他的眉毛长到了帽子上,但钱德勒告诉他四十年来这个包装都是这个样子的。 CHANDLER: Well don't you see how gross that is? I mean that's like you using my toothbrush. [Joey gets a sheepish look] You used my toothbrush? gross adj.粗俗的,恶心的/toothbrush n.牙刷/sheepish adj.懦弱的, 羞怯的 JOEY: Well, that was only 'cause I used the red one to unclog the drain. clog v.堵塞,阻塞/unclog vt.使畅通,清除…的阻塞;扫除…的阻碍/drain n.排水沟 PHOEBE: Ooh, look at you fancy lads. What's the occasion? lad n.男孩子,男青年,活泼的男子/what's the occasion有什么大事 ROSS: No, sorry I don't. Tell me why would anyone pay someone to scar their body for life? What if it doesn't come out right Phoebe? Then it's like, I don't know, havin' a bad haircut all the time. Why's everyone staring at me? scar v.结疤,使留下伤痕,创伤/not come out right事情进展地不好to刺得不好 ROSS: Monica, Monica, you could come in straddling him, they still wouldn't believe it. [opens door] We're here. straddle v.跨骑,叉开腿坐或站立于/ FRIEND: Oh. Speaking of whom谈到他(whom指Dr.Burke), I hear he's got some 20-year-old twinkie in the city. [Monica sprays whipped cream all over the place] twinkie n.生活在美国的亚洲人to幼齿/whipped cream生奶油/all over the place到处, 各处, 满地 MRS. GELLER: We just know she's got the IQ of a napkin. napkin n.餐巾/get the IQ of a napkin智商超低 FRIEND: She's probably not even very pretty, just young enough so that everything is still pointing up. [Monica folds her arms over her breasts] point up v.使尖锐, 强调to(乳房)没有下垂/ fold one's arms v.交叉双臂 CHANDLER: [being left behind] Oh that's all right fellas, I saw a kitchen this morning - on TV. Stop talking. OK. that's all right不用了/fella n.伙伴,伙计,小伙子 MR. GELLER: C'mon Rich, it's my birthday, let me live vicariously. vicariously adv.代理地,担任代理者地;由于共鸣而感受地/live vicariously过过瘾 MR. GELLER: Ahh, what's a little mid-life crisis between friends? what's 有什么,那又何干/mid-life crisis中年危机 MR. GELLER: Look, I know what you're going through. When I turned 50 I got the Porsche. You... you got your own little speedster. turn 50到50岁了/Porsche保时捷 (德国知名汽车厂商)/speedster n.高速行进的人,高速汽车,超速驾驶者to加速器/ PHOEBE: I like this lily. It's more open, ya know, and that's like my mom. She had a more open, giving spirit. Ooh, Foghorn Leghorn, ooh. foghorn n.雾号(浓雾信号)/leghorn n.麦秆编制的帽子/Foghorn Leghorn:来亨鸡福亨.出自美国华纳家庭录影公司.来亨鸡福亨(Foghorn Leghorn)是一只大大咧咧,令人发笑的 雄鸡,出现在众多华纳动画中 PHOEBE: No. You are the boss of you. Now you march your heinie in there and get that heart tattooed on your hip. GO!! march v.(齐步)前进,行进;使行进,使前进(eg:They marched the prioner away)/heinie n.屁股,德国佬/march your heinie(=move your ass)往前走 RICHARD: I know, I know. Just hang in there, OK. OK, I'll go out first, alright. hang in there:不气馁;不畏难;坚持下去 RICHARD: [walks out of the bathroom and runs into Mrs. Geller who is going to the bathroom] Judy, going to the bathroom, good for you. run into撞见/good for you有你的 MR. GELLER: Honey. Honey, have you seen my Harmon Kilerbrew bat? Bob doesn't believe I have one. bat n.球棒 MR. GELLER: I know. He's like a new man. It's like a scene from Cocoon. cocoon n.茧/It's like a scene from Cocoon:好象进了一个电影《天茧》的现场/Cocoon:老盖勒夫妇发现老朋友理查德医生有了一个新的小女朋友,而且人就像《天茧(Cocoon)》电影里一样重返青春了.《天茧》是一部科幻电影,描写一群养老院的老人因为一个天外来客而变得重新年轻。 MRS. GELLER: I just never would have pictured Richard with a bimbo. picture v.描绘,想象/bimbo n.女人, 尤指浪荡好淫的女人 CHANDLER: Woah, woah, woah. I don't need a roommate either, OK? I can afford to live here by myself. Ya know, I may have to bring in somebody once a week to lick the silverware. bring in介绍引进,叫/silverware n.银器,餐具 JOEY: What're you gettin' so bent out of shape for, huh? It's not like we agreed to live together forever. We're not Bert and Ernie. bent out of shape adj.agitated,upset 激动的,火气大/agree to v.允诺,同意/Bert and Ernie n.对两个整天粘在一起的男人的讽刺 RICHARD: Uhh, not that I know of. not that I know of[口]据我知道事情不是这样/not that you know of[口]休要妄想,你办不到 MONICA: Upstairs in the bathroom right before you felt up mom. feel up(亲昵地)摸 JOEY: Hey, are you cool with this. I mean, I don't want to leave you high and dry. high and dry搁浅/leave you high and dry(=leave you behind)被遗弃/ CHANDLER: Hey, no, I've never been lower or wetter. I'll be fine. I'll just turn your, uh, bedroom into a game room or somethin', you know, put the foosball table in there. never be lower or wetter(Chan自造词)理解为:没有比这更开心了/turn …into改建为 RACHEL: Oh, what a load of crap. That is a dot. Your mother is up in heaven going, 'Where the hell is my lily, you wuss?' OK, Phoebe, that is not a tattoo, this is a tattoo. [she bends over and bears her tattoo right when Ross returns] what a load of crap真是狗屁一堆/go v.说/wuss n.胆小鬼/bend over俯身,屈从/bear v.表现