Friends  314  The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner

Friends 314 The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner

2016-05-07    22'24''

主播: 睡衣外穿的花菜

2278 165

【简介】 3.14 The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner Phoebe's former singing partner (Leslie) performs at Central Perk and asks Phoebe if they can get back together. They eventually do, but soon have problems when Leslie sells "Smelly Cat" to a kitty litter company. Chandler meets a woman (Ginger) in the men's room and asks her out; coincidentally, Joey used to date her-- until an unfortunate incident occurred, involving her artificial leg. Chandler gets over the fact that she has an artificial leg, but when Ginger learns he has a third nipple, she dumps him. Ross continues to struggle with Rachel's career and her involvement with Mark. Chandler has his third nipple removed. 314 菲比的旧搭档 菲比以前唱歌时候的搭档蕾丝丽来中央咖啡厅表演,并恳求菲比重组乐队。 菲比打算同她言归于好,可蕾丝丽把臭臭猫卖作推销猫食的广告歌,菲比又同她翻脸。 钱德在男厕碰见一个叫金吉尔的姑娘并要求同她交往; 金吉尔碰巧又是乔伊的旧爱——当年的乔伊发现她的义肢后感觉无法接受所以不再同她约会。 钱德认为有义肢没什么了不起,但金吉尔发现钱德有第三个乳头后毅然甩了他。 罗斯继续同瑞秋的新工作以及马克奋战。 钱德去做手术,割除了第三个乳头 【解析】 Singer: (singing) ‘cause every time I see your face, I can’t help but fall from grace. I know..... fall from grace v.失去天恩 堕落 Chandler: Well, that’s pretty much all I’m looking for from these people. pretty much adv.几乎 非常接近/look for v.期待 寻找 Singer: (singing) beside meeeee-eeee-ee. (everyone applauds her). applaud v.拍手喝彩 称赞 赞同 Monica, Ross, and Joey: (joining in) Home is Home Star stew. stew n.炖品;炖肉;焖菜 Joey: (to Phoebe) Wow, that was kinda brutal. brutal adj.残忍的 兽性的 Phoebe: Well okay, let this be a lesson to all of you, all right. Once you, once you betray me, I become like the ice woman, I’m just very cold, hard, unyielding, y'know nothing, nothing can penetrate this icy exterior. (to Monica) Can I have a tissue, please? unyielding adj.坚硬的 不能弯曲的 不屈的to绝不妥协的/penetrate vt.穿透 渗透 看穿 洞察/exterior n.外部 表面 Chandler: No. This is just part of a dare devil game that I play called “wait until the last moment before I burst and die” (The door opens.) dare devil game n.比胆大的恶魔游戏/burst and die v.暴毙 Woman: Someone was in the lady's room, I couldn’t wait. I left the lid up for ya though. lid n.马桶盖 Joey: Ah, he can’t make it他不来了, he said he had to his... (sees Ginger) Whoa-oh! (hides behind the coat rack.) coat rack n.外衣架 Joey: Phew, close one. phew int.哟, 呸表示不快的声音/close one差点被抓到 [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Phoebe and Monica are playing with a Ouija board, Phoebe’s beeper goes off and Monica screams.] Ouija board n.显灵板 (就是有两个人用手把放在一个指针盘上 由它在一块刻有字母和数字的木板上滑行,  Ouija无所不知而且会预测未来,轮流问她问题, 她会通过木板上的字母告诉答案)[类似我们玩的笔仙] Chandler: (sees her foot is in a slush puddle) Op, foot in a puddle, foot all in a puddle. slush n.烂泥/puddle n.水坑 胶土 污水坑 Chandler: You’re not, what do you, what do you got a bionic foot? bionic adj.仿生学的,利用仿生学的 Leslie: (singing) My best shoes, so good to me. I wear them everyday. Down at the heel, holes in the toes. Don’t care what people say. My feet’s best friends, pals to the end. With them I’m one hot chicky. Though late one night, not much light, I.... down at the heel(鞋履)后跟破损的 不整洁的;邋遢的;褴褛地/to the end adv.到底 始终 到最后/hot chicky n.性感小辣妹 Phoebe: (singing) I stepped in something icky. icky adj.粘得讨厌的 过分甜的 讨厌的 Lecturer: We’re beginning to see a lot of layering of sheer fabrics and colours. For instance a sheer navy blouse over a pink.... layering n.压条法;层次/sheer 绝对的 彻底的 (纺织物)极薄的,透明的/navy blouse n.海军衫 Leslie: Y'know you could totally sell this. It’d be perfect for like umm, a kitty litter campaign. litter n. (动物睡窝里垫的)干草等物;厩肥/campaign n.促销活动 Lecturer: ....oversized bracelets, oversized earrings, oversizing of accessories in general are very popular now. oversized adj.特大号的/bracelet n.手镯/accessory n.附件/in general adv.大体上 一般而言 Chandler: Oh God, it freaked me out. Okay, I know it shouldn’t have, but it did. I mean I like her, I don’t want to stop seeing her, but every so often it’s like “Hey, y'know what, where’s your leg?” I mean I’m the smallest person in the world aren’t I? I’m the smallest person in the world. every so often adv.常常 偶尔 时常/the smallest 最渺小的 Joey: Listen, I ah, I know it’s a long shot. But, by any chance did she find that funny? a long shot n.很少机会成功的尝试 希望渺茫/by any chance adv.万一 Ross: (entering) So I nodded off a little. nod off v.打盹 Rachel: Nodded off!! Ross you were snoring. My father’s boat didn’t make that much noise when it hit rocks! snore v.打呼噜 Ross: Come on! Forty-five minutes! Forty-five minutes the man talked about strappy backed dresses. stappy backed dress v.露背吊带裙 Rachel: Well okay, how about four hours in a freezing museum auditorium listening to Professor Pitstains and he’s “Hey everybody! Remember that thing that’s been dead for a gazillion years. Well there’s this little bone we didn’t know it had?!” Ross: First of all it’s Professor Pittain! And second of all, that little bone, proved that, that particular dinosaur had wings, but didn’t fly. freezing adj.严寒的/auditorium n.听众席, 观众席会堂 礼堂/ gazillion n.极大量 无法计数的量 Ross: No-no-no, a bunch of out of control jackets take over an island. (Makes an unusual sound, then he realises that he still has his jacket on and quickly tries to shake it off, thinking it’s alive and attacking him.) jacket n.bad ass/take over v.掌控 接管/shake off v.抖落 摆脱 Rachel: Y'know if what I do is so lame, then why did you insist on coming with me this morning? Huh? Was it so I just wouldn’t go with Mark? lame 蹩脚的 Phoebe: Okay y'know what you have to choose. All right, if-if the most important thing on the planet to you is this cat poopy thing then, okay you can have Smelly Cat, but we won’t be partners. So what’s it gonna be? poopy crap Commercial: (in the background their singing Smelly Cat) Problem odour in the litter box? Don’t change your kitty, change your kitty litter. odour n.气味 香味 臭味/litter box n.猫沙箱 Chandler: Oh yes! Just had me a little nubbin-ectomy. Yep! Two nipples, no waiting. -ectomy:医学后缀,表示“切除”