Friends  315  The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break

Friends 315 The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break

2016-05-07    22'29''

主播: 睡衣外穿的花菜

2206 163

【简介】 3.15 The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break Phoebe dates a diplomat who doesn't speak english; She convinces Monica to double with them so the translator will have a date. Chandler and Joey gawk at the Xerox girl, who invites them both to a dance club. Ross interrupts Rachel's late night emergency at the office, leading to a fight; Rachel wants to take a break. Ross goes to the club and ends up kissing the Xerox girl. 315 罗斯和瑞秋分手 菲比和一个不会讲英文的外交官约会。 她说服莫妮卡同去,这样翻译才不会落单。钱德和乔伊迷上了搞复印的女孩,女孩邀他二人同去跳舞。 罗斯在瑞秋加班赶工的时候到办公室不合时机的制造浪漫,结果两人大吵一架。 瑞秋要求两个人冷静一下。 罗斯也去跳舞,结果亲了复印机女孩。 【解析】 Phoebe: (entering) Hey. I need an atlas! I need an atlas! atlas n.地图集 Monica: Why? (in a motherlike tone) Do you have a report due? due adj.应交的 欠的 应支付的 Phoebe: I have a date with this diplomat I met while I was giving free massages outside the UN and, I don’t know where his country is. diplomat n.外交家/UN:United Nations n.联合国 Phoebe: Umm, well he’s very dashing, y'know, and umm, very, very sophisticated, and he doesn’t speak any English, but according to his translator, he totally gets me. dashing adj.冲劲十足的 潇洒的/get sb对某人神魂颠倒 Joey: Yeah, are you just going down there to gawk at that hot girl with the belly button ring again? gawk at:呆呆地看着/belly button n.肚脐/belly button ring n.肚脐环 Joey: Uh, y'know what, we’ve having second thoughts about our copying needs. And we’ll need a little more time to think about it. have second thoughts(重新考虑后)改变主意(想法) Chloe: Relax. It’s just Issac’s D.J.-ing at the Philly. You should come. Issac’s D.J.-ing at the Philly(酒吧用语):Issac在Philly酒吧当DJ Chandler: All right, rock on. (Does the “Hang 10” sign, then hides his face in shame.) hang 10: 即Hang Ten.著名冲浪服装品牌。在1960年的加州,热爱冲浪的年轻人皆有一共同困扰---因为当时并没有专为冲浪设计的裤子,一般的裤子在冲浪时非常的不便。有一位叫 Duke的人想出了一个解决方法。但Duke不是裁缝,于是他便到处找,希望能找到帮他实现理想的人。幸运地他找到一位裁缝师---Doris,Doris依Duke 的构想设计了一些冲浪裤。结果在Duke的朋友间大受欢迎,于是Duke开始与Doris合作销售一些相关服饰。 Phoebe: Yeah. Except for, y'know when you’ve on a date and you’ve getting along really great but the guy’s translator keeps getting in the way. get along v.融洽相处/ get in the way v.妨碍 Ross: Oh what?! Is she gonna cancel on me again?! How can she do this? Doesn’t she know it’s our anniversary? cancel on sb放某人鸽子 Monica: Oh that’s my doodle of a ladybug, with a top hat. (to Phoebe) She’s fancy. doodle n.v.乱画(或乱写)之物 涂鸦/ladybug n.瓢虫/top hat n.大礼帽 Phoebe: (to Monica) Anyway, I’m going out with Sergei again tonight, and um, could you come and be the translator’s date? So that when we, it’s time for our alone time, you two could split off. Y'know, he’s really, he’s kinda cute. split off v.离开 分离 Chandler: She was.... But y'know what, just in case, maybe we should come up with a set of ground rules. a set of 一套/ground rule n.程序;体育场馆的运动章程 Chandler: Right. Right. Well ah, y'know we could flip for it. flip for it掷硬币决定 Joey: Yeah, I guess, but what’s like heads and what’s tails? coin:Heads and tails Rachel: (on the phone) No, no, no, I’m looking at a purchase order right here and it clearly states that we ordered the Rivera bikini in a variety of sizes and colours. And.... (listens) What does it matter, what I’m wearing?! Can I please speak to your supervisor? (listens) Thank you. (to Sophie) We’ve holding. purchase order n.定购单/a variety of adj.多种的 Ross: Well you said you couldn’t go out so.... (pulls the cover off of the basket) pull the cover off 掀起盖头 Sophie: You brought a picnic, oh, what a boyfriend. That’s it, on Monday I start wearing make-up. wear make-up v.化妆 Ross: Yeah, but I got cous-cous! couscous n.蒸粗麦粉 Rachel: Well, let me just check that with what I got here, all right see 038 is not the number for (Ross starts making a lot of noise with a handheld pepper grinder) this store, 038 is Atlanta. And I...(stops and looks at Ross) handheld adj.手握式的/pepper n.胡椒粉辣椒/grinder n. 磨工 研磨者 Ross: (putting out the fire with a squeeze bottle of water) Okay, that’s a fire. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. put out the fire 扑灭(小)火灾/squeeze bottle n.塑料挤瓶 Sophie: Actually, that’s our three hole punch. three hole punch n.三眼打孔机 Rachel: You had no right coming down to my office Ross. You do not bring a picnic basket to somebody’s work! Unless maybe they were a park ranger! ranger国有森林护林员 国家公园管理员 Ross: No, hey, I get that, okay, I get that big time. And I’m happy for ya, but I’m tired of having a relationship with your answering machine! Okay, I don’t know what to do anymore. big time n.第一流 最高级 欢乐时刻 愉快的时光/answering machine n.电话应答机 Ross: Okay, okay, fine, you’ve right. Let’s ah, let’s take a break, (goes to the door) let’s cool off, okay, let’s get some frozen yogurt, or something.. (opens the door) cool off v.变凉 平静下来/yogurt n.酸奶酪 酵母乳 Chloe: I want you to met some friends of mine. (Introduces him to Chandler and Joey) This guy is my hero, he comes in with some stuff he wants it blown up 400%, we said we don’t do that, and he says you gotta. And y'know what, we did it. And now anytime anybody wants 400, we just say “Let’s Ross it!” introduce to v.将某人介绍给另一个人/blow up v.放大/gotta (=have got to) 必须 Monica: Oh my God! No wonder I get such great service at Cafe Maurice. Cafe Maurice: 莫尼卡给菲比的新朋友卖弄她的法语,结果发现她说的原来是:“今晚我们上床好吗?”沮丧的莫尼卡悻悻地说:“怪不得我在莫里斯咖啡馆(Cafe Maurice)得到了那么好的招待。”莫里斯咖啡馆是纽约一个著名的法国餐厅。 Phoebe: (laughing and banging her spoon on the table) Knock, knock, knock, knock, hi. Um, could you please tell Sergei that um, I was fascinated by what Boutros Boutros Gali said in the New York Times. bang v.发巨响 重击/spoon n.匙 调羹 勺子/be fascinated by因…而入迷/Boutros Boutros Gali:菲比和外交官约会,但一切都要通过翻译来进行。菲比于是对翻译说,能否请你告诉谢尔盖,我对布特罗斯·布特罗斯·加利(Boutros Boutros Gali)在《纽约时报》上说的话感到很兴奋。加利是联合国前秘书长,他是1996年12月31日因美国排挤而卸任的。《老友记》此集上演时正是加利成为新闻人物的时候。 Chloe: Oh, okay. (to the bartender) Hey, two beers. (sits down next to him) bar-tender酒吧间招待员 Phoebe: Oh, yeah, sure. I just hope you, hope you don’t accidentally suck it up through your nose and choke on it. accidentally adv.意外地 偶然地/suck up吸入/choke v.呛 窒息 哽住 Mischa: (to Monica) I have just resigned my post. Would you care to accompany me to the Rainbow Room? I have diplomatic coupons. resign v.辞去 辞职/post n.职位/coupon n.息票, 商家的优待券