Friends  701  The One With Monica’s Thunder

Friends 701 The One With Monica’s Thunder

2016-06-26    22'22''

主播: 睡衣外穿的花菜

2531 116

[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Chandler, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe are standing around the table drinking champagne as Ross enters.] Ross: Hey, what’s going on? Chandler: Hey. Ross: I found a note on my door, "Come to Monica’s quick, bring champagne and a Three Musketeers bar." Joey: (grabbing the candy bar) Yeah I’ll take that. Ross: What’s up? Chandler: Monica and I are engaged. Ross: Oh my God. (Hugs Chandler.) Congratulations. Chandler: Thanks. Ross: Where is she? [Cut to Monica out on the balcony.] Monica: (yelling at the top of her lungs) I’m engaged!!!!!! I’m engaged!!!! [Cut back inside.] Joey: Yeah, she’s been out there for twenty minutes, I’m surprised you didn’t hear her on the way over. Ross: Oh, I thought it was just a kid yelling, "I’m gay! I’m gay!" Can I bring her in? Phoebe: Oh no, let her stay out there. It’s sweet. [Cut to Monica.] Monica: I’m getting married!!!! I’m gonna be a bride!!!! (Someone else yells at her.) No, I will not shut up because I’m engaged! (He yells again.) Ohh, big talk! Huh, why don’t you come over here and say that to me?! Huh, buddy?! Yeah, my fiancee will kick your ass! (Chandler starts to look worried.) Come on, apartment 20! Apartment 20! [Cut back inside.] Chandler: (To Ross) Okay, you get her in here. (To Joey) You bolt the door. I’ll be in the closet. Opening Credits [Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, continued from earlier, everyone is now in the living room drinking champagne.] Monica: Okay! Wait-wait-wait! Shhh! (Bangs on her class with a spoon to make a toast.) Okay, umm, I just wanna say that…I love you guys so-so much and-and thank you for being here on my special night. (Chandler clears his throat.) Our special night. I mean it just wouldn’t be my—our-our night, if you all weren’t here to celebrate with me—us—Damnit! Chandler: It’s okay, I want this to be your night too. (Raises his class.) To Monica. Monica: Awww, come on—wait—stop it. Okay, to Monica. Chandler: To Monica! (They all say to Monica, clink their glasses, and drink.) Phoebe: So have you decided on a band for the wedding? Because, y’know, I’m kinda musical. Rachel: Yeah Pheebs, honey, she just got engaged a couple of hours ago. I doubt she’s even had time to… Phoebe: Well speaking of chiming in, remember the time you burned down my apartment? Rachel: (To Monica) Yeah, you’re on your own. Monica: Y’know what we should do? We should all get dressed up and go to have champagne at The Plaza. (They all agree and start to go and get ready.) Joey: But I-I-I can’t stay too long, I gotta get up early for a commercial audition tomorrow and I gotta look good. I’m supposed to be playing a 19-year-old. (Everyone stops in their tracks upon hearing this.) What? Chandler: So when you said, "Get up early," did you mean 1986? Joey: You guys don’t think I look 19? (A brief silence ensues.) Phoebe: Oh, 19! We thought you said 90! (They all politely laugh and stop just as quickly.) Monica: Okay everybody, let’s go! Let’s go! Rachel: Okay. Chandler: Okay. (They all leave and Joey comes back in quickly.) Joey: (To Phoebe) Hey, is uh the rest of my candy bar around here? Phoebe: Oh honey no, you ate it all. Joey: I was afraid of that. (Walks out and after he closes the door Phoebe turns around and takes a bite out of what is left of his candy bar.) [Scene: Monica and Chandler’s bedroom, they’re getting ready.] Monica: (looking at her hand) Y’know what shoes would look great with this ring? Diamond shoes! (Sees Chandler sitting on the bed.) You’re not getting dressed. (Chandler quietly folds over the comforter on the bed making a spot for her.) Chandler: Know what I mean? Monica: Yeah, but I don’t think we have time. Chandler: There’s gonna be a wedding. You’re gonna be the bride. Two hundred people are going to be looking at you in a clean white dress. Monica: (lustily) Let’s do it! (She kisses him and they fall back onto the bed.) [Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, time lapse, Chandler is fully dressed and slowly walking out of the bedroom with a distressed look on his face.] Monica: (chasing after him) Chandler! It happens to lots of guys! You-you-you were probably tired, you had a lot of champagne, don’t worry about it! Chandler: (motioning with his hands) I’m not worried, I’m uh, I’m fascinated. Y’know it’s like uh, Biology! Which is funny because in high school I uh, I-I failed Biology and tonight Biology failed me. (Exits as Phoebe enters from her room with her guitar.) Phoebe: Check it out. Okay, I can play this when the guests are coming in. Okay. (Singing) "First time I met Chandler, I thought he was gay. But here I am singing on his wedding day!" Monica: Phoebe! Phoebe: If you would’ve let me finish, it goes on to say that he’s probably not gay. [Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Chandler is looking at the foosball table.] Chandler: Sure, you guys don’t have this problem, you’re made of wood. (Rachel comes out of the bathroom) Hey! Rachel: Hey! Chandler: You look great! Rachel: (quietly) Oh, thanks. Chandler: You okay over there? Rachel: I don’t know, y’know? I feel a little umm… No, y’know what? Nevermind, I’m gonna be fine. Chandler: Oh, don’t worry about it I mean you probably were tired, you had a lot of champagne, it happens to everybody. [Rachel exits into the hallway just as Ross is coming up the stairs.] Ross: Hey! Rachel: Hi! Ross: Wow! Happy Monica’s night! Rachel: Well thank you, you too. Ross: Thanks. Rachel: Hey, do you believe this? Do you believe they are actually getting married? Ross: Well sure. But I get married all the time so… Rachel: Ohh… Ross: You okay? Rachel: Yeah, I guess. I-I… I mean, do-do you think we’re ever gonna have that? Ross: You mean, we—you and me? Rachel: Oh no-no-no-no-no, no, no! We, you with someone and me with someone. Ross: Oh good, you scared me for a minute. Rachel: Shake it off. Ross: I mean—no, it’s just ‘cause, it’s just ’cause you and I were like a nightmare. (Screams.) No, but there was some good times. Rachel: No, absolutely. Y’know like it was umm… Ross: Surely you can think of something good. Rachel: Yeah, just give me a minute! (Thinking) Oh well, yes, I can think of one good thing. Ross: What? Rachel: Well you uh, you were always really good at the uh, at the uh the stuff. Ross: Yeah? I was good at the stuff huh? Rachel: Uh-hmm, uh-hmm, yeah, yeah, I really liked your hands. Ross: My hands? Rachel: Yeah. Ross: Yeah? Rachel: Uh-huh. Ross: (to his hands) Way to go guys. Y’know, you-you were really good at the stuff too. Rachel: Oh, I know. Hey, y’know what we never did? (Ross looks at her.) Oh no, not that. (Ross nods okay.) We uh, we never had bonus night! Ross: A what? Rachel: Y’know, bonus night. Y’know, when two people break up but they get back together for just one night. Ross: One night, just-just sex. No strings attached? Rachel: Yeah-yeah, we never had that, Ross: No. [Silence.] Ross: Okay, this is getting a little crazy. I mean, I’m-I’m sure it would be amazing but I…gotta say I really-really don’t think it would be a good idea. Y’know? I really, really…don’t. [Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Chandler is playing Playstation, Crash Team Racing to be exact (he’s in last on Hot Air Skyway to be more exact) as Joey enters from his room desperately trying to look like a 19-year-old. He’s got the wool cap, he’s got the cut-off Knicks jersey over the faded T-shirt, and he’s got the whole pants-around-the-knees-showing-off-the-boxers thing that rich, white, suburban kids have adopted in a desperate and extremely futile attempt to try to look like they’re from the inner-city.] Joey: ‘Sup? ‘Sup dude? Chandler: (putting his hands up) Take whatever you want, just please don’t hurt me. Joey: So you’re playing a little Playstation, huh? That’s whack! Playstation is whack! ‘Sup with the whack Playstation, ‘sup?! Huh? Come on, am I 19 or what?! Chandler: Yes, on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the dumbest a person can look, you are definitely 19. Joey: Come on man, really how old?! Chandler: Young! You’re a man-child okay?! Now go get changed because everybody’s ready and please, oh please, keep my underwear! Joey: Wow thanks! (He goes into his bedroom and closes the door.) Chandler: Joe? Joey: Yeah! Chandler: Uhh, you’ve had a lot of sex right? Joey: When? Today? Some, not a lot. Chandler: Well, it’s just the reason that I’m asking is because I kind of eh, uh, I was unable to—I mean I really wanted too, but I couldn’t…. There huh—hmm, there-there was an incident. Joey: Don’t worry about that man, that happens. Chandler: It’s happened to you? Joey: Yeah! Once. Chandler: Well, what’d you do? Joey: I did it anyway. [Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Monica is in the living room and Phoebe is in her room.] Monica: Phoebe! Come on! Let’s go! (Knocks on her door.) Come on! (Phoebe enters with guitar and not ready to go.) Why aren’t you dressed yet?! Phoebe: I’m sorry, but I just wrote the best dance song for your wedding. Check this out. (Gets ready to play.) Monica: (grabs the guitar away from her) No, Phoebe, I’ll tell you what, if you get ready now I’ll let you play it at the wedding. Phoebe: Really?! Oh that’s so exciting! Thank you! Thanks Mon! Oh but Mon, if you touch my guitar again I’ll have to pound on you for a little bit. Monica: Fair enough, now go get ready! Phoebe: Okay. (She goes to get ready.) Monica: I’ll get everybody else (Does so), finally we can start celebrating my—(She gasps and is stopped by the sight of Ross and Rachel making out in the hall.) I’m sorry, uh apparently I’ve opened the door to the past. Commercial Break [Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, continued from before the commercial break. Monica is walking into the apartment followed by Ross and Rachel.] Ross: Okay, Monica. Mon, uh what-what you just saw… Monica: (interrupting) Can I ask you just a little question, huh? Why tonight? Rachel: What? Monica: See, I’ve been waiting my whole life to be engaged, and unlike some people I’m only planning on doing this once. So, uh y’know, maybe this is selfish and I’m sorry about it, but I was kinda hoping tonight could just be about that. Rachel: Oh honey, but it is just about… Ross: It is! It is! Monica: No it’s not! No! No! Now it’s about you and Ross getting back together! Rachel: What?! Monica: See yeah umm, you kinda stole my thunder! Ross: Okay! Ho-ho! We did not steal your thunder because we are not getting back together! Rachel: Yeah. No. And you know what? Nobody even saw! Ross: Yeah! Monica: That’s true. Rachel: Honey I swear it we just kissed. Ross: It was just a kiss. (Phoebe enters and overhears this.) Phoebe: You guys kissed!!!!! What does this mean?!! Are you, are you getting back together?! Can I sing at your wedding? Monica: Thunder being stolen!! Rachel: Okay come on Phoebe, it’s nothing! Monica, come on! Ross: Look let’s not make a big deal out of this! It was a one time thing. It doesn’t even matter! (Chandler and Joey enter and overhear that.) Joey: Oh my God! I cannot believe you guys are talking about this! The problems in the bedroom are between the man and the woman!!! All right?!! Now Chandler is doing the best he can!! Chandler: (angrily) I don’t think that’s what they were talking about Joe!! Phoebe: What a great night, Chandler can’t do it, these guys kissed… (Points to Ross and Rachel.) Joey: What? Chandler: What?! Joey: You guys kissed! Oh my—this is huge! Rachel: No! Ross: Oh no! Rachel: No-no, it’s really not huge. ……