

2017-05-17    02'49''

主播: 大米想一路向北

117 2

CAPTURE YOUR SOUL ——FIVE MINUTES TO SPARE 心灵捕手——抽出5分钟   No matter how busy you are ,you could spend five minutes: 无论你有多忙,你都可以抽出5分钟 To answer the telephone 听一听电话 To read the morning paper 读一读早报 To talk with a neighbor 跟邻居谈一谈 To dispute with the laundryman about a mistake 跟洗衣工为一个错误争议一番 To watch new furniture being unloaded next door 看一看隔壁扔掉的新家具 To chat with a salesman 与推销员聊聊天 To read a trivial letter 阅读一封微不足道的信 Or to write one 或者写一封信 To say a prayer for the suffering friend 为受苦的朋友祈祷 To stop and think of Gods daily gift of mercy 停下来想想神的恩赐 To remember the cross 记住你彷徨的时候