Sigh No More, Ladies

Sigh No More, Ladies

2021-02-19    01'17''

主播: 优途教育

295 1

介绍: 配乐及文字归原版权方或原作者所有 录音、剪辑、主播:优小Mou 背景音乐:It Must Be Requited -- Patrick Doyle 大家下午好,欢迎收听Yo Talk FM,今天给大家分享一首莎士比亚在戏剧Much Ado About Nothing《无事生非》里最富盛名的一首诗: Sigh no more, Ladies。 Sigh no more, Ladies, sign no more. 不要叹气,姑娘,不要叹气, Men were deceivers ever, 男人们都是些骗子, One foot in sea and one on shore, 一脚在岸上,一脚在海里, To one thing constant never. 他天性是朝三暮四。 Then sigh not so, but let them go, 不要叹息,让他们去, And be you blithe and bonny? 你何必愁眉不展? Converting all your sounds of woe, 收起你的哀丝怨绪, Into hey nonny, nonny, nonny. 唱一曲清歌婉转。 Sing no more ditties, sing no more, 莫再悲吟,姑娘,莫再悲吟, Of dumps so dull and heavy, 停住你沉重的哀音, The fraud of men was ever so? 哪一个男子不负心? Since summer first was leafy? 哪一个夏天不绿叶成荫? Then sigh not so, but let them go, 不要叹息,让他们去, And be you blithe and bonny? 你何必愁眉不展? Converting all your sounds of woe, 收起你的哀丝怨绪, Into hey nonny, nonny, nonny. 唱一曲清歌婉转。 William Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing, Act II, Scene III —— 莎士比亚《无事生非》第二幕,第三场(朱生豪译)
下一期: Panda Pride