

2016-09-10    06'57''

主播: 英语口语自媒体Maggie桃

67 3

语音版 http://music.163.com/#/program?id=15941025 介绍: A:Good aftemoon madam. What can I do for you? 下午好,女士,有什么可以帮您的吗? B:Hi. I want to check out. My room is 1005. 你好,我是1005的房主,我想办理退房手续。 A:OK. Please hold on a minute. So you checked in on Monday and stayed 3 nights in single room 1005. Is that right? 好的,请稍等。您是周一入住的1005房间,入住了3晚,对吗? B:Yes. Can I have a look at my bill? 对的。我能看一下我的账单吗? A:OK. Here you are. If there are no questions, could we have your signature in the blank below? 好的,给您。如果没有问题的话,请您在空白处签名,可以吗? B:OK. I would like to have my receipt report, please. 好的,请把收据给我吧。 A:Here it is. We are pleased to serve you here and we look forward to seeing you again. Wish you have a good day. 您收好。很高兴为您服务,我们欢迎您下次光临。祝您愉快。 TIPS: 1. Signature [&`&sɪgnətʃə] n. 署名;签名;信号 e.g Can I have your signature here? 2. Check out 结账退房 ; 退房 ; 结帐; 结帐离开 e.g I’m checking out this morning. 3. Can I have a look at my bill? 我能看一下我的账单吗? e.g Don’t worry,I’ll get the bill. 晨读时长:3个月 晨读班报名请直接联系小编咯,加好友,备注“晨读班”别忘记,活泼阳光有内涵的Maggie在这里等你哦! 坚持每日听口晨读,做个有内涵有活力的native speaker 原英国培生集团环球雅思资深听口讲师 跟着好玩的人一起说口语! 想要免费获得Maggie口语导师为大家精心挑选的海量地道“BBC学习视频资料”吗? 只需转发本文到“【朋友圈】”或者“【30人以上的群聊】”; 并截图私信给我哈! 微博:性感英语社群Maggie 微信:331515810 碎片化英文学习项目 [坚持晨读100天] [我爱记单词] [兔兔说日常英语电台]