16 We are going on a bear hunt

16 We are going on a bear hunt

2014-08-20    04'54''

主播: 儿童英语听力

7422 607

欢迎关注微信公众号 [儿童英语听力] Hey everybody! We're going on a bear hunt! Are you afraid? (Kids: I'm not afraid! *shakes heads no*) 1....2....3 (stomps feet as in hiking) We're going on a bear hunt! (Kids: We're going on a bear hunt!) Take pictures with my camera! (Kids: Take pictures with my camera! *pretend to take pictures*) Open up the door, squeak! (Kids: Open up the door, squeak! *pretends to open door*) Walk down the road (Kids: Walk down the road *marches, pretending to be on a road) Coming to a wheatfield! (Kids: *still marching* Coming to a wheatfield!) Can't go under it. (Kids: Can't go under it *motions to do an under motion, sorta like a crawl*) Can't go over it. (Kids: Can't go over it *motions to climb over it*) Hafta go through it! (Kids: Hafta go through it! *makes vertical slicing motions with hands making a sha-sha sound while still marching*) 1....2....3....4 Got through the wheatfield. (Kids: Got through the wheatfield*still marching*) Coming to a bridge. (Kids: Coming to a bridge*still marching*) Can't go under it. (Kids: Can't go under it *shaking heads no*) Hafta walk over it! (Kids: Hafta walk over it! *nods and starts to march more over the bridge, making a clicking noise with tongue*) 1....2....3....4 Got over the bridge. (Kids: *marching again* Got over the bridge.) Coming to a tree. (Kids: Coming to a tree *marching*) Can't go under it. (Kids: Can't go under it. *marching*) Guess we'll hafta climb[1] it! (Kids: Guess we'll hafta climb it! *marching*) Climb to the top! (Kids: Climb to the top! *pretend to climb tree*) 1....2....3....4 Do you see a bear? (Kids: Do you see a bear? *pretend to search by shielding eyes from light looking around*) No. (Kids: *shaking heads no* No) Let's climb down. (Kids: Let's climb down. *pretend to climb down*) 1....2....3....4 Coming to a river. (Kids: Coming to a river. *marching again*) Can't go under it. (Kids: Can't go under it *shaking heads no with marching*) Can't fly over it. (Kids: Can't fly over it *shaking heads no with marching*) Let's get in the boat! (Kids: Let's get in the boat! *sits or stands holding hands with another in front of them and pulls one another in turn like rowing a boat*) 1....2....3....4 Got across the river. (Kids: *marching again* Got across the river.) Coming to a cave. (Kids: *still marching* Coming to a cave.) Can't go under it. (Kids: *marching and shaking their heads no* Can't go under it.) Can't go over it. (Kids: *marching and shaking heads no* Can't go over it.) (whisper) Tip toe inside... (Kids: *tiptoeing and whispering* Tip toe inside...) It's dark in here. (Kids: *still tip toeing and whispering* It's dark in here.) Is anyone around? (Kids: *whispering, tiptoeing and looking around* Is anyone around?) I see two eyes! (Kids: I see two eyes! *in place*) And a big furry body... (Kids: And a big furry body...) Let's take a puh-puh-picture! (Kids: Let's take a puh-puh-picture!) RUN! IT'S A BEAR! (Kids: RUN! IT'S A BEAR!*start to run around*) Back to the river! Row your boat across! (Kids: *still running* *does that activity again quickly*) Run to the tree! (Kids: *Running*) Climb up! [2] (kids: *pretend to hastily climb up*) Climb down! (kids: *climb down fast* *start to run again*) Run to the bridge! (kids:*running*) Cross it! (kids: *running* *fast clicking tongue noises and running over bridge*) Run through the wheatfield! (Kids: *running making the sha-sha noise cutting through the wheat quickly*) Run down the road! (Kids: *running around again*) Open up the door, quick! (Kids: *pretending to open door*) Close it! (Kids: *pretend to slam door*) Whew... (Kids: *sighing in relief, wiping their foreheads*) We made it... (Kids: Whew, we made it...) ...Hey everybody, let's go on a bear hunt! Are you afraid? (Kids: *shaking heads no* No *giggles*)