39 I am a star (廖彩杏34-1)

39 I am a star (廖彩杏34-1)

2014-08-23    03'02''

主播: 儿童英语听力

3304 445

欢迎关注微信公众号 [儿童英语听力] by Jean Marzollo Illustrated by Judith Moffatt I am a star you can’t see me in the daytime. There is too much light. you can’t see me on a cloudy night I hide behind clouds. you can see stars on a clear night Long ago, people saw pictures in the stars. The pictures are called constellations. Con-stel-A-shuns Some people saw bears. Some people Saw dippers. I am the last star in the Little Dipper’s handle. Can you find me? I am the North Star. I am also called Polaris. Wait a few months. Look again. All the stars have moved except me! Can you still see me? I stay in the North. Sailors use me to find their way. The sun is a star. It is the star nearest to you. It gives you heat and light. The moon is not a star. It reflects the light of the sun. To see stars better, you need a telescope. The study of stars is called astronomy As-TRON-o-mee People who study stars are called astronomers. They use big telescopes. How many ways can you make a star? Do you know a song about a star? When you wish upon a star, what do you wish for?