78 Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type-廖彩杏书单

78 Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type-廖彩杏书单

2014-09-04    05'27''

主播: 儿童英语听力

7808 552

欢迎关注微信公众号 [儿童英语听力] 微信号 Listening-for-kids Farmer Brown has a problem.His cows like to type. All day long he hears: Click, clack, Moo. Click,clack, Moo. Clickety, At first, he couldn’t believehis ears. Cows that type? Click, clack, Moo. Clickety, clack, Moo then, he couldn’t believe hiseyes: Dear Farmer Brown, The barn isvery cold at night. We’d like some electricblankets. Sincerely, The Cows. It was bad enough the cows hadfound the old typewriter in the barn, now they wanted electricblankets !”No way,” said Farmer Brown. ”No electric blankets."So the cows went on strike. They left a note on the barndoor: Sorry. We ’re closed No milk today. "No milk today !” cried Farmer Brown. In the background, he heardthe cows busy at work: Click, clack, Moo. Click, clack, Moo. Clickety, clack,Moo. The next day, he got anothernote: Dear Farmer Brown, The hensare cold too. They like electric blankets.Sincerely, The Cows. The cows were growingimpatient with the farmer. They left a new note on thebarn door: Closed. No milk. No eggs. ”No eggs !” cried Farmer Brown. In the background he heardthem. Click, clack, Moo. Click,clack, Moo. Clickety, clack, Moo. Cows that type. Hens thatstrike! Whoever heard of such a thing? How can I run a farm with nomilk and no eggs !” Farmer Brown was furious. Farmer Brown got out his owntypewriter: Dear Cows and Hens: There willbe no electric blankets. I demand milk and eggs.Sincerely, Farmer Brown. Duck was a neutral party, sohe brought the ultimatum to the cows. The cows held an emergencymeeting. All the animals gatheredaround the barn to snoop, but none of them could understandMoo. All night long Farmer Brownwaited for an answer. Duck knocked on the door earlythe next morning. He handed Farmer Brown a note: Dear Farmer Brown, We will exchange our typewriter forelectric blankets. Leave them outside the barndoor and we will send Duck over with the typewriter. Sincerely, TheCows. Farmer Brown decided this wasa good deal. He left the blankets next tothe barn door and waited for Duck to come with the typewriter. The next morning he got anote: Dear Farmer Brown, The pond is quite boring. We'd like a diving board.Sincerely, The Ducks Click, clack, Quack. Click,clack, Quack. Clickety, clack, Quack.
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