95 Diary of a Worm-蚯蚓的日记-top50-帮助孩子培养乐观、正向的态度

95 Diary of a Worm-蚯蚓的日记-top50-帮助孩子培养乐观、正向的态度

2014-09-29    09'38''

主播: 儿童英语听力

19402 931

欢迎关注微信公众号 [儿童英语听力] 微信号 Listening-for-kids Diary of worm March 20 Mom says there are three things .I should always remember: 1.the earth gives us everything we need 2.when we dig tunnels , we help take care of the earth. Must make tunnel-help earth breathe 3.never bother Daddy when he’s eating the newspaper. March 29 Today , I tried to teach spider how to dig. First , all of his legs got stuck. I think I twisted one of my ankles. Then he swallowed a bunch of dirt. I give up. Tomorrow he’s going to teach me how to walk upside down. March 30 Worms cannot walk upside down. Here’s a baby pictures of me and dad. April 4 Fishing season started today. Did you guys hear something? We all dug deeper. April 10 It rained all night , and the ground was soaked. We spent the entire day one the side walk. Hopscotch is a very dangerous game. My first tunnel. First day of school. April 15 I forgot my lunch today. I got so hungry that I ate my homework. My teacher made me write , “I will not eat my homework.” Ten times. When I was finished , I ate that too. April 20 I snuck up on some kids in the park today. They didn’t hear me coming. I wriggled upright between them and they screamed. I love when they do that. Bee stung me. My favorite pile of dirt . May 1 Grandpa taught us that good manners are very important. So today I said: ”good morning .” to the first ant I saw. good morning . Good morning .good morning . good morning . How ya doing? good morning . Nice to see you.Howdy. Good morning . How’s it going?Fine day. Look in’ good.Hello there. good morning . There were 600 more of them in line. I stood there all day. May 8 Had the worst nightmare last night. Giant birds playing hopscotch. Mom says I have to stop eating so much garbage. Right before I go to bed. Me and spider. Spider made this for me . May 15 I got into a fight with spider today. He told me you need legs to be cool. Then he ran. I couldn’t keep up. Maybe he’s right. May 16 I made spider laugh so hard, he fell out of his tree . Who needs legs? My own comic! May 28 Last night I went to the school dance. You put your head in. You put your head out. You do the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself about. That’s all we could do. I found this really cool rock. Isn’t this leaf awesome?! June 5 Today, we made macaroni necklaces in art class. I brought mine home , and we ate it for dinner. Mmmm , you’re very talented. My sister’s slumber party. June 15 My older sisterthinks she’s so pretty. I told her that no matter how much time she spends looking in the mirror, Her face will always look just like her rear end. Spider thought that was really funny. Mom did not. July When I grow up, I want to be a secret service agent. Spider says I will have to be very careful, Because the president might step on me by mistake. “It’sa dangerous job,” I told him . “But someone’s got to do it .” My report card. July 28 Three things I don’t like about being a worm: 1. I can’t chew gum. 2. I can’t have a dog. Can we keep him , Mom? 3. All that homework. July 29 Three good things about being a worm: 1.I never have to go to the dentist. No cavities-no teeth either. 2. I never get in trouble for tracking mud through the house. 3. I never have to take a bath . Who’s my grub by little boy? August 1 It’s not always easy being a worm. We’re very small, And sometimes people forget that we’re even here. But, like Mom always says , the earth never forgets we’re here. I get the feeling I’m being watched…