Blueberries for sal-小塞尔采蓝莓-经典绘本

Blueberries for sal-小塞尔采蓝莓-经典绘本

2017-03-07    08'31''

主播: 儿童英语听力

13394 189

欢迎关注微信公众号 儿童英语听力 公众号里可收看视频 One day, Little Sal went with her mother to Blueberry Hill to pick blueberries.   一天,小塞尔跟着妈妈,去蓝莓山上采蓝莓。   Little Sal brought along her small tin pail and her mother brought her large tin pail to put berries in.   小塞尔拎着小铁桶,妈妈拎着大铁桶,采下的蓝莓要放在铁桶里。   “We will take our berries home and can them,” said her mother. “Then we will have food for the winter.”   “我们把蓝莓带回家,做成果酱,留着冬天吃。”妈妈说。   Little Sal picked three berries and dropped them in her little tin pail…   小塞尔揪下三个草莓,扔进小铁桶。   Kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk!   啪咚!噼咚!嘭咚!   She picked three more berries and ate them.Then she picked more berries and dropped one in the pail--kuplunk! And the rest she ate..   她又摘了三个,自己吃了。接着,她采了一大把蓝莓,一个扔进小铁桶,啪咚!剩下的全吃了。   The Little Sal ate all four blu berries out of her pail!   然后,把小铁桶里的四个蓝莓,也拿出来吃了。   Her mother walked slowly through the bushes, picking blueberries as she went and putting them in her pail.   妈妈在蓝莓丛里,一边慢慢地走,一边把摘下的蓝莓放进大铁桶。   Little Sal struggled along behind, picking blueberries and eating every single one.   小塞尔跟在后边,一边追着妈妈,一边把采来的蓝莓吃得一个也不剩。   Little Sal hurried ahead and dropped a blueberry in her mother's pail.   小塞尔追上去,把一个蓝莓扔进妈妈的大铁桶。   It didn't sound kuplink because the buttom of the pail was already covered with berries.   咦?怎么没听到啪咚一声。哦,铁桶底已经被蓝莓遮住了。   She reached down inside to get her berry back.   小塞尔把手伸进桶里,想拿回自己的蓝莓。   Though she really didn't mean to, she pulled out a large handful, because there were so many blueberries right up close to the one she has put in.   可是,她的蓝莓和别的蓝莓挤在一起,一不小心,抓出来一大把。   Her mother stopped picking and said, “Now, Sal, you run along and pick own berries.   妈妈停下手,说:“好啦!小塞尔。去那边,自己摘蓝莓吃吧!   Mother wants to take her berries home ans can them for the next winter.”   妈妈摘的要带回家,做成果酱,留着冬天吃。”   Her mother went back to her picking, but Little Sal, because her feet were tired of standing and walking, sat down in the middle of a large clump of bushes and ate blueberries.   妈妈转回身,继续摘蓝莓。小塞尔没有跟着妈妈。   她一直走呀走的,有点儿累了,就坐在一个大蓝莓丛里,一边摘,一边吃。   On the other side of Blueberry Hill, Little Bear came with his mother to eat blueberries.   另一边的山坡上,一直小熊跟着妈妈来吃蓝莓。   “Little Bear,” she said, “eat lots of berries and grow big and fat.   We must store up food for the long, cold winter.”   “小熊,多吃点儿蓝莓,才能长得又高又壮啊!"妈妈说。   “肚子里多存些食物,好度过又冷又长的冬天。”   Little Bear followed behind his mother as she walked slowly through the bushes eating berries.   小熊的妈妈在蓝莓丛里,一边慢慢地走,一边吃着蓝莓。   Little Bear stopped now and then to eat berries.   小熊跟在妈妈后面,时不时地停下来,吃着蓝莓。   Then he had to hustle along to catch up!   吃一会儿,他再飞快地跑着去追妈妈!   Because his feet were tired of hustling, he picked out a large clump of bushes and sat down right in the middle and ate blueberries.   渐渐地,小熊跑累了。他找了一个大蓝莓丛,坐到正中间,大口地吃起来。   Over on the other side of the hill, Little Sal ate all of the berries she could reach from where she was sitting, then she started out to find her mother.   在这边的山坡上,小塞尔坐在地上,把伸手能摘到的蓝莓都吃光了,她站起来,跑去找妈妈。   She heard a noise from around a rock and thought, “That is my mother walking along!”   岩石后面,传来一阵响声。小塞尔想:那是妈妈的脚步声。   But it was a mother crow and her children, and they stopped eating berries and flew away,Saying,”Caw, Caw, Caw.”   可是,在那里的是乌鸦妈妈和小乌鸦。它们停下吃蓝莓,“呱!呱!呱!”地叫着,飞走了。   Then she heard another noise in the bushes and thought,” That is surely my mother and I will go that way.”   树丛里又传出一阵脚步声,小塞尔想:这次肯定是妈妈!我快跑过去吧!   But it was Little Bear's mother instead.   错啦!那是小熊的妈妈。   She was tramping along, eating berries, and thinking about storing up food for the winter. Little Sal tramped right along behind.   她一边“吧嗒”“吧嗒”地向前走,一边吃着蓝莓。   她想多吃点儿,存在肚子里,好过冬。小塞尔也“吧嗒”“吧嗒”地跟在后面,朝前走。   By this time, Little Bear eaten all the berries he could reach without moving from his mother.   也就在这时,小熊坐在地上,把伸嘴能吃到的蓝莓都吃光了。   他站起来,想去追妈妈。   He hunted and hunted but his mother was nowhere to be seen.   He heard a noise from over a stump and thought, “That is my mother walking along.”   可是,哪儿都不见妈妈的影子。树桩后面,传来一阵响声,小熊想:那是妈妈的脚步声!   But it was a mother partridge and her children.   可是,在那里的是鹌鹑妈妈和小鹌鹑。   They stopped eating berries and hurried away.   它们停下吃蓝莓,扑棱扑棱地扇着翅膀跑走了。   Then he heared a noise in the bushes and thought, “That is surely my mother. I will hustle that way!”   树丛里又传出一阵脚步声,小熊想:这次肯定是妈妈。我赶紧追过去吧!   But it was Little Sal's mother instead!   错啦!那是小塞尔的妈妈。   She was walking along, picking berries, and thinking about canning them for next winter.   她一边走,一边摘蓝莓,心里还想着,要多做点儿果酱,留着冬天吃。   Little Bear hustled right along behind.   这时,小熊从后面飞快地追了上来。   Little Bear and Little Sal's mother and Little Sal and Little Bear's mother were all mixed up with each other among the blueberries on Blueberry Hill.   小熊和小塞尔的妈妈,小塞尔和小熊的妈妈,在蓝莓山上的蓝莓丛里,都弄混了要找的人。   Little Bear's mother heard Sal walking along behind and thought it was Little Bear and she said, “Little Bear,” munch, munch, “Eat all you.” Gulp, “can possibly hold!” swallow.   小熊的妈妈听见小塞尔的脚步声,以为是小熊。   她说:“小熊,”吧唧,吧唧,“你把能找到的蓝莓。。。。。。”咕咚!“都吃了啊!”嗝儿——   Little Sal said nothing. She picked three berries and dropped them, kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk, in her small tin pail.   小塞尔什么也没说。她摘了三个蓝莓,扔进小铁桶。   啪咚!噼咚!嘭咚!   Little Bear's mother turned around to see what on earth could make a noise like kuplunk!   小熊的妈妈转过身来,想看看是谁弄出了啪咚的响声。   “Garunmpf!” she eried, choking on a mouthful of berries,   “This is not my child! Where is Little Bear?”   “哎呀呀。。。。。。”她叫起来,满嘴的蓝莓噎住了她。   “你不是我的孩子!天啊,我的小熊哪儿去了?”   She took one good look and backed away.   她盯着小塞尔看了一会儿,然后,开始往后退。   (She was old enough to be shy of people, even a very small person like Little Sal.)   (她是一只大熊,知道要躲着人,哪怕是小塞尔这样的小孩。)   Then she turned around and walked off very fast to hunt for Little Bear.   接着,她转过身,飞快地跑去找小熊了。   Little Sal's mother heard Little Bear tramping along behind and thought it was Little Sal.   小塞尔的妈妈听到小熊的脚步声,以为是小塞尔。   She kept right on picking and thinking about canning blueberries for next winter.   她只顾一边摘蓝莓,一边想着要做冬天吃的果酱。   Little Bear padded up and peeked into her pail. Of course, he only wanted to taste a few of what was inside,   小熊扑上去,把头伸进桶里。他想尝一点儿桶里的蓝莓。   but there were so many and they were so close together, that he tasted a Tremendous Mouthful by mistake.   可是,蓝莓太多了,挤在一起。他一不小心,吃了一大口。   “Now, Sal,” said Little Sal's mother without turning around, “you run along and pick your own berries.Mother wants to can these for next winter.”   “好啦!小塞尔。”妈妈头也不回地说,“去那边,自己摘蓝莓吃吧!妈妈摘的要带回家,做成果酱,留着冬天吃。”   Little Bear tasted another Tremendous Mouthful, and almost spilled the entire pail of blueberries!   小熊又尝了一大口,差点儿把桶里的蓝莓全弄撒了!   Little Sal's mother turned around and gasped, “My Godness, you aren't Little Sal! Where, oh where, is my child?”   小塞尔的妈妈转过身,吓得惊叫起来:“天哪!你不是小塞尔。哎哟哟。我的小塞尔哪儿去了?”   Little Bear just sat munching and munching and swallowing and licking his lips.   小熊只顾坐在地上,“吧唧”“吧唧”地嚼着蓝莓。然后,“咕咚”一声,咽下去,舔了舔嘴唇。   Little Sal's mother slowly backed away.   小塞尔的妈妈一点一点地往后退。   (She was old enough to be shy of bears, even very small bears like Little Bear.)   小熊跟着妈妈,从蓝莓山的这一边下山,慢慢地朝家里走去。   一路上,他们不停地吃着蓝莓。装满肚子,好过冬啊!   And Little Sal and her mother went down the other side of Blueberry Hill, picking berries all the way,   小塞尔跟着妈妈,从蓝莓山的另一边下山。一路上,她们不停地摘着蓝莓。   and drove home with food to can for next winter a whole pail of blue berries and three more besides.   开车往回走时,车上装着一大桶蓝莓。另外,还有三个。。。。。。做成果酱,留着冬天吃啊!