母亲节英文诗歌集锦3-Before Two Portraits of My Mother

母亲节英文诗歌集锦3-Before Two Portraits of My Mother

2017-05-12    01'18''

主播: 儿童英语听力

52075 275

欢迎关注微信公众号 儿童英语听力 Listening-for-kids Before Two Portraits of My Mother 两幅母亲肖像前 I love the beautiful young girl of this portrait, my mother, painted years ago when her forehead was white, and there was no shadow in the dazzling Venetian glass of her gaze. But this other likeness shows the deep trenches across her forehead's white marble. The rose poem of her youth that her marriage sang is far behind. Here is my sadness: I compare these portraits, one of a joy-radiant brow, the other care-heavy: sunrise—and the thick coming on of night. And yet how strange my ways appear, for when I look at these faded lips my heart smiles, but at the smiling girl my tears start.   —Emile Nelligan (1879-1941)  我深爱这名美丽少女的画像,  她是我的母亲,绘制于多年前  当时她的前额白皙无瑕  如同威尼斯玻璃般闪亮, 没有一丝阴影 在她双眸中。 但另一幅肖像显出深深的纹痕 布满她皎白大理石般平滑的前额  她少女时的那 首玫瑰情诗  曾在她婚礼中被咏唱, 如今已经远去。  此时我心悲伤:比较这两幅肖像  一幅显得 神情愉悦, 另一幅显得心事重重  一幅如同朝阳初升  另一幅则如迎面而来的阴郁 黑夜。  然而我的反应却显得非比寻常  因为当我看着她失去光泽的双唇, 我心发出微笑, 但看着那名微笑的少女  我的泪竟开始涌出。   —艾米里·奈利根 (1879-1941)