No. 043 - Chip Wilson: 我为lululemon游尽了最后一米

No. 043 - Chip Wilson: 我为lululemon游尽了最后一米

2020-12-12    49'38''

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     一个伟大的故事通常来自于一个有趣的开始。lululemon创始人Chip Wilson在2018年发布的品牌自传《Little Black Stretchy Pants》揭示了lululemon成长之路上的故事。  本期你将听到:- Chip Wilson的100米仰泳理论 (The 100-Meter backstore)- 如何在丛林生态中做一只简单的刺猬- 比起竞争,不如我们在红海中开辟自己的蓝海吧- lululemon名字及logo的来由- 品牌的两个基本竞争诉求:功能性和情感性- 创始人的不妥协和原则- 资本给了你光明的未来,而Chip为你游尽了最后一米    "I believe that lululemon was so much more than a retail company. It attracted people that came from all over to make a difference in the world and to follow a leader and a vision who were doing just that. Chip is a retail genius, yet, I believe the greatest gift he gave to the people of lululemon and the greater community was the culture. "[图片]节目开头口播细节如下:[图片]欢迎加入听友群: wx搜索:ZRZ_0701播客官方微博: 来都来了播客主播微博:  Nicole: Nicoleledeng                   丸籽:柏霖少女呀