6.24沙特主权基金投35亿入股优步 朗读版

6.24沙特主权基金投35亿入股优步 朗读版

2016-06-23    00'21''

主播: AresEnglish

525 5

Saudi Arabia&`&s sovereign wealth fund ploughed 3.5 billion dollars into Uber and got a seat on its board. It is the taxi-hailing app&`&s biggest single infusion of cash, and brings the total from its latest round of financing to 5 billion dollars. The privately held firm is estimated to be worth more than General Motors. Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 sovereign wealth fund 主权基金 plough 投资 General Motors. 通用汽车 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~