7.1 新婚夫妇新婚之夜竟然干这个 慢速版

7.1 新婚夫妇新婚之夜竟然干这个 慢速版

2016-07-01    00'35''

主播: AresEnglish

532 4

China’s Communist Party stepped up its efforts to persuade members to write out the party`s constitution by hand. Two newlyweds have become famous for doing so on their weddingnight. The aim is to remind members of their communist ideals, but the army`s newspaper warned that some people were— believe it or not—just going through the motions when transcribing the document`s 15,000 characters. China’s Communist Party 中国共产党 stepped up 加速 促进 constitution 宪法 宪章 newlyweds 新婚夫妇 weddingnight 新婚之夜 motion 运动 transcribe 抄写 character 字符 形象 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论、留言、下载、转发、点赞哦~