7.18讲解版 音乐家王子逝世

7.18讲解版 音乐家王子逝世

2016-07-18    11'52''

主播: AresEnglish

473 17

There was a global outpouring of sympathy earlier this week, when the musician Prince was found dead. Investigators don`t know for sure yet why he died. They did find he had prescription opioid medication in his possession and in his home. Prince`s music, his record label, his estate, they`re estimated to be worth around $300 million. Outpouring 倾泄,流出,流露 Sympathy [ˈsɪmpəθi] 同情 惋惜爱 Prescription [prɪˈskrɪpʃn] 处方 Opioid [əʊ`pi:əʊɪd 鸦片类 Medication [ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn] 药物,药剂 Record label [riˈkɔ:d ˈleibəl] 唱片公司 Estate [ɪˈsteɪt] 遗产,房地产 加入Ares英文晨读每天进步一点点 新浪微博: AresEnglish 公共微信: AresEnglish 每周一三五新闻讲解;二四写作翻译 大家可以下载我们的而节目随时、随地、无网络听 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目点赞、评论、送荔枝 欢迎大家转发节目到朋友圈让更多小伙伴加入我们