7.22朗读版 一言不合就政变

7.22朗读版 一言不合就政变

2016-07-22    00'20''

主播: AresEnglish

630 3

Gunfire and explosions have been heard in the two biggest cities in Turkey, where an attempted coup is underway. A statement from a section of the army has been read out on television saying the military is in control of the country. President Erdogan has said the group will not succeed. Gunfire 枪炮声 explosion 爆炸 Turkey 土耳其 attempted coup 未遂政变 underway 进行中 military 军队军方 加入Ares英文晨读每天进步一点点 新浪微博: AresEnglish 公共微信: AresEnglish 每周一五新闻讲解;周三写作翻译, 过了暑期再给大家加内容 大家可以下载我们的而节目随时、随地、无网络听 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目点赞、评论、送荔枝 欢迎大家转发节目到朋友圈让更多小伙伴加入我们