Competition leads children to envy winners, to dismiss losers, and to be suspicious of equality among people due to competition peopel find it difficult to regard others as potiential friends or collaborators.
使/导致了/ make sb do
lead to/cause/bring about/ result in/generate
嫉妒 envy /be jealous of /green-eyed monster 把眼睛都看绿了
胜利者:winner /victor/conqueror
successor 继承者
忽略无视ignore; disregard; defy; in defiance of /regardless of
失败者:loser /// a failure //underdog//also-ran
怀疑:doubt; suspect; distrust
观念:concept; idea; conception; sense; perception
由于:owing to; thanks to; as a result of; due to; in virtue of
平等 just equal ///even(均匀的)一般不在这里用
把——看做 look on as /think of as/consider as /regard as