8.1讲解版 建军节长征七号吓尿美国人

8.1讲解版 建军节长征七号吓尿美国人

2016-08-03    08'07''

主播: AresEnglish

1100 9

People in the western United States could not believe their eyes Wednesday night when, high in the sky, a bright streak of light appeared. Many people took photographs or made videos of the mysterious object in the sky. Within minutes, some posted their videos on social media. streak [stri:k] 条纹 took photographs 拍照 made videos of 录视频 posted their videos 发布视频 一道亮光划破夜空时,美国西部的人们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。许多人用照片或视频记录下天空中这一神秘物体。几分钟后,有人在社交媒体上发布了视频。 加入Ares英文晨读每天进步一点点 新浪微博: AresEnglish 公共微信: AresEnglish 每周一五新闻讲解;周三写作翻译, 过了暑期再给大家加内容 大家可以下载我们的而节目随时、随地、无网络听 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目点赞、评论、送荔枝 欢迎大家转发节目到朋友圈让更多小伙伴加入我们