7.15Marie美音版 FBI不建议起诉希拉里

7.15Marie美音版 FBI不建议起诉希拉里

2016-07-15    00'20''

主播: AresEnglish

398 4

Ever since the FBI started investigating Hillary Clinton`s use of a private email server as secretary of state, the threat of a possible indictment has hung over her campaign. Today the FBI director lifted that threat. Plenty of questions remain, though, about Clinton`s handling of classified information. Server 服务器 secretary of state 国务卿 FBI director FBI局长 Handling 处理 classified information 机密信息 加入Ares英文晨读每天进步一点点 新浪微博: AresEnglish 公共微信: AresEnglish 每周一三五新闻讲解;二四写作翻译 大家可以下载我们的而节目随时、随地、无网络听 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目点赞、评论、送荔枝 欢迎大家转发节目到朋友圈让更多小伙伴加入我们