

2016-04-07    45'19''

主播: 猫眼姐妹谈

40713 831

还是中学生时,由于是杂志的死忠,所以会定期整理喜欢的欧美流行曲。回看当年的歌单,妥妥的暴露年龄。顺着捋一遍之后,好似把那段时光也重温了一遍,心里暖暖的。希望透过歌曲,也带给大家一些回忆,好的坏的,开心的悲伤的,都在歌里,记在心里。 节目中播放的歌单: Nothing in the world ( Atomic Kitten ) Keep Holding On (Avril Lavigne­) Leave out all the rest (Linkin Park) ­ No Air (Jordin Sparks&Chris Brown) cry on my shoulder (­Deutschland Sucht Den Superstar) prisoner of love (宇多田光) Apologize (Timbaland ft. OneRepublic) f**king perfect (Pink) Mad World (Adam) Not Afraid (Eminem) Breathless (Shayne Ward) 节目里提到没有播放的: Don"t matter (Akon) ­ Give it to me (Timbaland ft. justin&Nelly) ­ Home (Daughtry) ­ Glamorous (Fergie) ­ Beautiful Liar (Beyonc e&shakira) ­ Girl friend (Avril Lavigne) ­ Why (M2M) When there was you and me (Gabriella )­ Take a bow (Rihanna) Disturbia (Rihanna) I kissed a Girl (Kate Perry) Fly By (BLUE) ­ Holiday (Hilary Duff) Burning (Maria Arredondo)­ (The pussycat dolls小野猫组合) Fighter (Christina Aguilera) (男生熟悉吧,NBA季后赛主题曲) Rehab (Rehanna) Don&`&t Lie (黑眼豆豆) Halo (Beyonce) (Pink) 还有很多没有提到但收录在当年歌单的歌曲也很值得一听,因为字数有限,会之后音乐节目再贴出来。