Lone Pilgrim 英语悦读

Lone Pilgrim 英语悦读

2016-12-03    02'25''

主播: 蕾蕾的杂七杂八说

51 0

Lone Pilgrim Bob Dylan I came to the place where the lone pilgrimlay, And patiently stood by his tomb, When in a low whisper I heard somethingsay: How sweetly I sleep here alone. The tempest may howl and the loud thunderroar And gathering storms may arise, But calm is my feeling, at rest is my soul, The tears are all wiped from my eyes. The call of my master compelled me from home, No kindred or relative nigh., I met the contagion and sank to the tomb, My soul flew to mansions on high. Go tell my companion and children most dear To weep not for me now I'm gone. The same hand that led me through seas mostsevere Has kindly assisted me home. 漫游者 鲍勃·迪伦 我来到那漫游者的墓穴, 长久伫立在它的边上, 我听到一个低低的声音说: 孤身睡眠在这里多么惬意。 风雨连绵,雷声不绝 仿佛团聚一样喧嚣 但我的情感平静,灵魂静憩, 把眼睛上的泪水全部擦去。 主人的召唤迫使我离开家, 从此一无牵挂, 后来我患上疾病,沉入坟墓, 而我的灵魂飞翔在房屋之上。 请告诉我的朋友与我最爱的小孩 不要为我的离去哭泣。 同样的手领我穿过最深的海洋 亲切地帮助我回到家。